  • 期刊

Phytophthora diseases of ornamental plant in Araceae in Taiwan




自1988-1991年調查本省天南星科觀賞作物上之疫病菌,發現Phytophthora parasitica危害火鶴花、蔓綠絨(帝王、紅公主、粉彩、Tuxia、......)、粗肋草(銀后)、及萬年青(黛粉葉)(白玉、白葉);Phytophthora meadii危害粗肋草(亮葉)(AgIaonema nitidium)。病原菌主要感染植物之葉部,造成葉片腐敗;但亦可侵染莖部、氣生根、與地下根系,嚴重時引起植株死亡。病原性測定,被接種的植株均出現與田間一致的病徵,相同的病原菌亦可自罹病組織上再分離得到。除自萬年靑分得之P. parasitica菌株外,自其他天南星科寄主得到之P. parasitica菌株均可互相感染彼此之寄主。所有自粗肋草上分離得到之P. parasitica均爲A1菌株;所有自火鶴花與萬年靑上分得之P. parasitica均爲A^2菌株;而A^1與A^2菌株同時自黃金葛與蔓綠絨之病組織上分到。分得之P. meadii均爲A^2配對型。天南星科觀賞植物之疫病在台灣均爲新紀錄;P. parasitica危害火鶴花、粗肋草、及黃金葛、及P. meadii危害粗肋草,在世界其他地區亦尚未被報導過。


Phytophthora diseases of ornamental plants in the family of Araceae were surveyed in Taiwan from 1988 to 1991. Two species of Phytophthora were detected from diseased tissues of five different genus of ornamental plants. All affected plants were with leaf blight, some of them wilted and died due to severe stem or root rot. The species of Phytophthora isolated from the infected plants were P. meadii on Aglaonema nitidum (Jacq.) Kunth cv. "Curtisii", and P. parasitica on Aglaonema commutatum, Anthurium andre anum, Dieffenbachia maculata, Epipremnum aureum, and Philodendron spp. In pathogenicity tests, each species of Phytophthora produced disease symptoms on their respective host plants similar to those occurring in natural field condition. The pathogen, P meadii was first discovered in Taiwan. All Phytophthora diseases of ornamental plants in Araceae were first reported in Taiwan. Meanwhile, P. parasitica and P. meadii on Aglaonema spp, and P parasitica on A. andreanum and E. aureum, were first documented .in the world.
