  • 期刊


Effect of Climate on Development of Mango Bacterial Black Spot and Chemicalcontrol



自1977年至1979年於嘉義農試所檬果試驗田,以人工傷痍針刺法接種檬果黑斑病菌(Xanthomonas campestris pv. mangiferaeindicae)於愛文與凱特檬果的葉片,其潛伏期之變化約2-20餘日,以春夏季4-9月較短,平均在5日以下,降雨期尤短;冬季12月至次年2月較長,平均在8-18日。降雨、高濕、高溫(25 C以上)有利於病徵表現。在民雄試驗區,愛文及凱特品種之葉片及枝條上,終年均有新生病斑出現,春夏季病斑出現較多,冬李11月至次年2月間病斑出現率較少,顯示病菌可終年存活於果樹上。室內檢定11種藥劑對黑斑病菌之生長抑制能力,以鹼性氯氧化銅、四環黴素、波爾多液、及鏈黴素有較佳之藥效。田間試驗,供試藥劑對病害之治療效果均差,而以接種病菌於檬果葉片前一日施用波爾多液(8-8式或10-10式),有較佳的預防效果,罹病率約為對照區之30-40%。


From 1977 through 1979 green young leaves of Irwin and Keitt mango were inoculated with Xanthomonas campestris pv. mangiferaeindicae every week by puncturing with needles which had been dipped in the bacterial suspension containing 10^8-10^9 cells/ml. The incubation period was less than 5 days from April through September, and equal to or more than 10 days from October through February. Rainfall, high relative humidity (>90%), and high temperature (>25 C) favoured the disease development. Appearance of new spots on mango leaves were more frequent in the Summer than in the Winter. New spots in the mango orchard, however, were observed all the year round, indicating that the causal bacterium survived on the mango tree. Spots mostly appeared both on young and mature green fruits. Among the 12 chemicals tested, copper oxychloride, tetracyclin, cuprous oxide, Bordeaux mixtures, and streptomycin were effective in inhibiting the growth of the bacterium on potato dextrose agar plates. Only 8-8 and 10-10 Bordeaux mixtures, however, reduced the disease incidence to 30-40% when applied before inoculation.
