  • 期刊

Characterization of Rhizoctonia Isolates, Disease Occurrence and Management in Vegetable Crops




在絲核菌類眞菌之中,只有少數菌群可引起蔬菜之病害。此類菌群包括營養菌絲具多核之Rhizoctonia solani菌絲融合群第一至五群(AGs-1至5)及具雙核之Rhizoctonia-like fungi菌絲融合群第E、F及R群。不同菌群爲害作物所表現出病徵不儘相同,例如植株地上部之葉斑或葉枯病黴可由R. solani AG-1、AG-2-3及AG-3所引起,苗猝倒、莖腐或根腐主要係由AG-2-AG-4和AG-5所引起,而胚軸腐敗爲AG-1、AG-2-AG-4和AG-E(CAG-3)等所誘發產生。爲有效防治各菌群所造成之病害,必須考慮不同菌群之生態習性,並對其生態詳加研究,才不致妄下藥石。本文收集近30年來世界各地由 Rhizoctonia引起主要蔬菜(如蠂形花科、茄科、十字花科及葫蘆科等)病害之重要文獻,依絲核菌之菌株特性、發生之病害類型及防治方法等加以敘述,冀能使各界對本菌所引起之病害有一完整而全盤之認識。


絲核菌 菌絲融合群 蔬菜 防治


Among Rhizoctonia species, only few isolates were reported to cause diseases on vegetable crops. They are R. solani AGs-1 to 5 and binucleate Rhizoctonia AGs-E, F and R (CAGs-3, 4 and 5, respectively). Different symptoms are caused by different specified Rhizoctonia isolates. For examples, aerial blight or web blight are caused by R. solani AGs-1, 2-3 and 3. Damping-off, stem or root rot are mainly caused by AGs-2, 4 and 5. The hypocotyl rot is induced by AGs-1, 2, 4, E. In order to control diseases caused by different AGs of Rhizoctonia spp., the ecological manner of different Rhizoctonia isolates will be seriously considered and realized. In this paper, we present a review on the Rhizoctonia diseases of major vegetable crops belonging to Family Papilionaceae, Solanaceae, Cruciferae, and Cucurbitaceae, and management tactics for control of the diseases.
