  • 期刊


Susceptibility of Cucurbits to Acidovorax Avenae Subsp. Citrulli and Control of Fruit Bloth on Melon



細菌性果斑病自1997年起,相繼在台灣田間種植的甜瓜(Cucumis melo):包括西洋甜瓜(洋香瓜類)及東方甜瓜(脆瓜類)上發現,病原細菌感染甜瓜果實後,果皮上出現類似瓜實蠅危害之水浸狀病斑,表皮病斑不會擴大,但病勢往果肉擴展,逐漸造成組織褐腐;感染本葉後會出現深褐色水浸狀病斑,病斑常受葉脈限制,但會沿葉脈蔓延,在高濕度的環境下,病斑上可見乳白色菌泥泌出的痕跡;感染幼葉而病勢未繼續蔓延時,會造成病斑處破裂、葉片變形。自甜瓜上採集到12個病原細菌,連同2個分自西瓜細菌性果斑病組織的菌株,經以Biolog GN MicroplateTM(Release 3.50)測定,均被鑑定為Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli。以人工接種,病原細菌可感染胡瓜、絲瓜、苦瓜、冬瓜、越瓜、南瓜及扁蒲,對21個甜瓜及西瓜栽培品種均具致病力。經濾紙圓盤法及種子處理結果顯示,種子播種前以10%鏈四環黴素可濕性粉劑1000倍、81.3%嘉賜銅可濕性粉劑1000倍或1%稀鹽酸處理,可以降低苗期罹病株率。


Fruits of melon (Cucumis melo) with circular, water-soaked little lesions were found in the fields in Taiwan since 1997. The water-soaked lesions did not extend on the surface of infected fruit, but the disease developed into the flesh resulting in the necrosis of tissue. On the cotyledons and leaves, water-soaked lesions become dark brown and often extended along the major leaf veins. Twelve strains of bacteria isolated from diseased tissues of melon along with 2 strains isolated from watermelon showing the symptom of bacterial fruit blotch from different areas in Taiwan were identified as Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli with Biolog GN MicroplateTM (Release 3.50). The results of artificial inoculation showed that A. avenae subsp. citrulli was virulent to cucumber, sponge gourd, bitter gourd, wax gourd, oriental pickling melon, pumpkin and bottle gourd. With spray-inoculation on seedling, twenty-one commercial cultivars of melon and watermelon were susceptible to this pathogen. Percentage of diseased seedlings decreased significantly after seed treatment with streptomycin + tetracycline 10% WP, kasugamycin + copper oxych1oride 81.3% WP, or 1 % hydrochloric acid, respectively.
