  • 期刊

Relative Sensitivity to the Fungicides Benomyl and Iprodione of Botrytis elliptica from Taiwan and the Northwestern U.S.A.




由Botrytis elliptica引起的百合灰黴病,是國際上百合栽培區的重要病害之一。在缺乏優良抗病品種的情況下,防治本病一直仰賴藥劑的使用。在密集的藥劑噴施下,北美及歐洲地區已陸續出現抗藥性菌株的報導。本研究之目的即在於測試與比較台灣及美國的灰黴病菌菌株對免賴得(屬benzimidazole藥劑)和依普同(屬dicarboximide藥劑)兩種藥劑的感受性。由台灣中部地區罹灰黴病的百合植株上分離得48株灰黴病菌菌株,並由美國華盛頓州百合罹病株上分得14個菌株,分別培養在PDA及含藥劑的PDA平板上,測試各菌株之菌絲生長情況。結果發現分離自台灣的菌株與美國的菌株間,菌絲生長速率無明顯差異性;然而,比較分離自兩國之菌株在含藥劑的培養基上生長的情形,發現台灣灰黴病菌菌株的菌絲生長勢優於美國的菌株。顯示台灣的灰黴病菌菌株對免賴得及依普同的忍受性高於美國的菌株。大部份的美國菌株在1μg ml-1的免賴得或10μg ml-1依普同濃度下,菌絲生長完全受抑制,然而在台灣的菌株在1μgml-1的免賴得濃度下菌絲生長不受抑制,而在10μg ml-1的依普同濃度下,48個菌株之中只有11個菌株的菌絲生長完全受抑制。本篇是首次發現台灣的百合灰黴病菌菌株對benzimidazole 和dicarboximide兩類藥劑的感受性降低的報告。


Isolates of Botrytis elliptica were tested for growth on potato dextrose agar as well as potato dextrose agar amended with discriminatory concentrations of benomyl (1 μg a.i. ml-1) or iprodione (10μg a.i. ml-1). Fourteen of these isolates originated from Washington or Oregon State in the USA, and the remaining 48 isolates were from Taiwan. Relative fungicide sensitivity was assessed by dividing the extent of growth after 96 h on amended media over the growth on unamended medium. There was no significant difference in growth rates on unamended PDA between isolates from Taiwan compared to those from the U.S.A.; however isolates from Taiwan showed higher relative growth, 4-fold or 2-fold greater, respectively, on benomyl or iprodione-amended media than isolates from the U.S.A. More research is needed to determine whether these Taiwan isolates showing less sensitivity to benomyl or iprodione also exhibit resistance in the field to normal fungicide application rates.
