  • 期刊


Survey of Pestalotiopsis Disease of Waxpple at Kaohsiung Area in Taiwan



自1997年6月至2000年12月調查高雄縣六龜鄉三區蓮霧果園內Pestalotiopsis 病原菌的出現頻度與其造成葉部病害的發病情形,並探討二者的相關性。利用田間逢機選樣及攜帶式平板孢子採集器(Burkard’s portable air sample for agar plate)二種方法來調查,結果顯示果園葉片罹病率依調查地點及年度而異,1997年調查三區蓮霧園葉片罹病率在32.5-37.0%,2000年則六龜B及C區昇高到49.3%及41.0%,三處調查點果園葉片受害罹病率發生較少的月份(10%)A園常在11-12月,B園僅1997及1998年的秋及冬少數月份出現,C園僅在1998年的夏秋少數月份出現,其餘年份皆為高罹病的現象。利用捕捉大氣孢子的數量及月份比較果園葉片的罹病情形,初步結果顯示EMA培養基較能捕捉大氣中Pestalotiopsis eugeniae的孢子,大氣孢子被捕捉的月份,在不同的年度中有所差別,1997年夏季較多,1998年春及冬季較多,1999年A區以春、夏,B區以春、秋二季出現較多,2000年則以春季為主要,至於葉片上罹病率,新威A區以6月為最嚴重,較嚴重者為春及夏季等其他月份,至於六龜B較為分散,年度之問也無重覆現象,詳細比較蓮霧葉片罹病與大氣孢子之出現之相關性,顯示六龜B區葉片罹病程度愈高者,空氣捕捉孢子的機率愈高,呈現正相關,但在新威A區1997年正相關,1999年負相關。在大氣捕捉到孢子後與當月,前一個月及後一個月的葉片罹病率次之,當月之罹病又次之,綜合視之,六龜不同果園的蓮霧葉片受P. eugeniae 危害程度大致相同,但隨調查年度不同而改變,近年來已日漸嚴重,葉片出現病斑主要月份新威較固定,六龜無規律性,大氣孢子對病斑的影響以次月的受害率有較大的正相關。


蓮霧 果腐病菌 罹病率


The disease incidence of Pestalotiopsis leaf spot and the occurrence of air-borne spores of Pestalotiopsis eugeniae in three waxapple orchards in Kaohsiung area were investigated from June 1997 to December 2000. The average annual disease incidence in the three orchards ranged from approximately 31 % to 45% without significant differences among the orchards. The number of P. eugeniae spores trapped differed each month and the month when the largest number of spores appeared in the air varied each year in the two orchards surveyed. In 1997 and 1999, the number of spores trapped each month was negatively correlated with the disease incidence in A orchard, but the correlation was positive in B orchard. When all the data obtained were analyzed, there was a positive correlation between the number of spores trapped and the disease incidence occurred during the same month, one month earlier or one month later in A orchard. The correlation was either negative or small in B orchard.
