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A Semi-selective Medium for the Isolation of Litchi Downy Blight Pathogen


在10%V-8 juice agar培養基中加入25%撲克拉(Prochloraz)E.C、23.7%依普同(Iprodione)F.P.及43%嘉賜貝芬(3%Kasugamycin+40%Carbendazim)W.P.等三種殺菌劑有效成分各10ppm及ampicilin 200ppm製成荔枝露疾病菌之半選擇性培養(PIKA培養基),可有效抑制或延緩自荔枝殘果、葉片、根部及土壤分離荔枝露疾病菌時其他菌類如炭疽病菌、鐮胞菌、根黴菌及細菌等雜菌汙染,並可在兩天後獲得生長良好且產生豐富胞囊的荔枝露疾病菌菌落。此半選擇性培養基較10%V-8 juice agar及常用於分離疾病菌的AMP medium(10% V-8 juice agar中加入ampicilin、mycostatin及PCNB)更能減少雜菌的污染而增加荔枝露疾病菌檢出。使用此培養基可自人工接種69天後的荔枝葉片病斑或鄰近未顯示病斑之組織分離出荔枝露疾病菌菌落。


Semi-selective medium (PIKA medium) was developed for isolation of Peronophythora litchii which consists of 10 ppm a.i. each of 25% Prochloraz E.C., 23.7% lprodione F.P., 3% Kasugamycin + 40% Carbendazim W.P and 200 ppm ampicilin in 10% V-8 juice agar. The medium was able to inhibit or delay the growth of various kinds of contaminants including of bacteria, Colletotrichum, Fusarium and Rhizopus commonly found on medium during isolation of P. litchii from litchi fruits debris, leaves, roots and soils. On PIKA medium, P. litchii developed discernible colonies with abundant sporangial production in 2 days. It was more selective than 10% V-8 juice agar or AMP medium (10% V-8 juice agar amended with ampicilin, mycostatin and PCNB) used for isolating Phytophthora. By using this medium, P. litchii was isolated from both diseased and symptomless leaf tissue within 69 days after artificial inoculation.


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