  • 期刊

台灣地區甜菜西方黃化病毒(Beet western yellows virus)之發生、鑑定及蚜媒傳播特性與生態

Aphid Transmission and Ecology of Beet Western Yellows Virus in Taiwan


採集自台灣田間葉片呈現黃化或嵌紋病徵之雪裡蕻、包心芥菜及蘿蔔病株經以桃蚜傳播分離獲得一種直徑約30nm之球形病毒。新分離病毒可經由桃蚜、棉蚜、偽菜蚜、白尾紅蚜及無肘脈蚜等五種蚜蟲媒介傳播,其中以桃蚜及偽菜蚜之傳毒效率較高。新分離病毒經由桃蚜傳播可造成雪裡蕻、包心芥菜及蘿蔔植株葉片自葉緣或葉尖開始黃化,繼而全葉變黃,老葉葉脈轉紅,葉片變厚脆等與田間相似之病徵。桃蚜以持續型方式傳播新分離病毒,其最短穫毒及接種取食時間分別為1.0及0.5小時,最長保毒時間為14天,最適傳播病毒溫度為20-25°C,病毒不能繼代傳播。15-25℃之中低溫極適於新分離病毒在芥菜植株內增值;此病毒會感染多種十字花科、藜科、菊科作物;以酵素免疫分析法(ELISA)檢測田間11科36種非十字花科作物,以及十字花科作物田中與周邊附近常見之16科38種雜草分別在10科26種作物以及14科23種雜草中可檢出此病毒。周年性檢測田間黃鵪菜及山萵苣植株中此病毒濃度變化結果顯示1-3月及10-12月植株中病毒含量最高,感染新分離病毒之包心芥菜及蘿蔔病葉以組織轉漬法(tissue blotting)能明確地驗証僅在葉脈輸導組織部位可檢測到病毒之分佈,以超薄切片電子顯微鏡觀察於罹病包心芥菜葉脈輸導組織之細胞質可檢視此病毒粒子聚集的現象。依據上述新分離病毒之寄主植物反應、蚜蟲傳播特性、粒子形態及其在寄生植物組織內之分布型式、血清學反應等試驗結果顯示此新分離病毒應為甜菜西方黃化病毒(Beet western yellows virus, BWYV)之一系統,BWYV在台灣為首次紀錄。


An isometric virus of 30 nm in diameter was isolated from mustard (Brassica juncea var. oblanceolata and B. juncea var. strumsta) showing leaf yellows or yellow mosaic by means of aphid transmission in Taiwan. The virus was identified as Beet western yellows virus (BWYV), a member of the genus Polerovirus belonging to the family Luteoviridae on the basis of host reactions, manner of aphid transmission, particle morphology, serology, and localization of virus distribution. This was the first detailed report of natural occurrence of Beet western yellows virus in Taiwan. The virus was not sap-inoculatable but was persistently aphid-transmissible to mustard and radish. The infected plants showed yellowing at tips or margins of leaves first then whole leaves involved and resulting reddish veins in old leaves. Five aphid species were vectors of Beet western yellows virus and green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) and turnip aphid (Lipaphis pseudobrassicae) were the most efficient. The minimal duration of acquisition access period and inoculation access period for BWYV transmission by green peach aphid were 1.0 and 0.5 hours, respectively. The aphid transmission efficiency of BWYV was influenced by temperature and the highest transmission rate could be obtained at 20-25°C. The green peach aphid after virus acquisition could retain BWYV for at least two weeks. The virus could not pass to progeny of its vector. Beet western yellows virus replicated well in mustard at 15-25°C. Host range test indicated some crops in families of Cruciferae, Chenopodiaceae or Asteraceae were susceptible to Beet western yellows virus. Among 38 weed species from 16 families and 36 non-cruciferaceous crops species from 11 families were evaluated for BWYV incidence by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), 23 weeds in 14 families and 26 crops in 10 families were shown to be BWYV-detectable, respectively. The virus was evidenced seed-transmissible in some asteraceous plant species. High BWYV contents in leaves of oriental hawkbeard (Youngiajaponica) and wild lettuce (Lactllca indica) were detected by ELISA on January-March and October-December yearly. Beet western yellows virus was shown to be only restrictedly localized in vascular tissues of infected mustard and radish by tissue blotting and electron microscopy.
