  • 期刊


Sensitivity of Botrytis cinerea of Strawberry to Strobilurins (QoIs) in Taiwan


由Botrytis cinerea pers.: Fr.所引起的灰黴病爲草莓重要病原真菌之一,除可造成田間作物危害外,亦可引起貯藏期果實的腐爛。Strobilurin (Quinone outside inhibitor, QoI)類藥劑爲一種廣效性殺菌劑,具有抑制粒線體電子傳遞鏈而降低ATP產生之作用機制,目前台灣尚未推薦用於防治灰黴病。本研究針對不同有效濃度克收欣、亞托敏及百克敏等三種QoI類殺菌劑對152株草莓B. cinerea菌株之感受性測試,結果顯示百克敏於100μg/ml之有效濃度下,對所有供試菌株菌絲生長抑制率達皆可達50%以上,然克收欣與亞托敏於500μg/ml之有效濃度下,則只分別對9.9%與12.5%之供試菌株菌絲生長抑制率達50%以上,顯示台灣草莓田間可能已出現抗QoI類殺菌劑的B. cinerea菌株。進一步分析對QoI類藥劑表現不同感受性之5株菌株的cytochrome b(cyt b)基因序列,得知此5株菌於cyt b基因中第129與143處密碼子並無發生核苷酸突變現象,推測cyt b基因第129與143處密碼子可能並非影響草莓灰黴病菌對QoI類藥劑產生抗性反應之主要機制。


Gray mold of strawberry, caused by Botrytis cinerea, is one of most important diseases in filed and postharvest. Quinone outside inhibitors (QoIs), broad-spectrum fungicide, is an inhibitor of mitochondrial respiration to decrease ATP production. However, QoIs do not register for controlling gray mold in strawberry in Taiwan. Three QoIs fungicides including kresoxim-methyl, azoxystrobin and pyraclostrobin were tested for their efficacy on inhibition of mycelial growth of 152 Botrytis cinerea isolates. Among fungicides tested, 100 pyraclostrobin μg/ml inhibited the mycelial growth of all tested isolates; whereas kresoxim-methyl and azoxystrobin only inhibited 9.9% and 12.5% isolates which 50% of mycelial growth was inhibited even the concentration are more than 500μg/ml. Thus, the QoI resistant isolates might exist in field. Analysis of cytoehrome b (cyt b) gene revealed that 5 QoI less sensitive and sensitive isolates did not show mutation at codon 129 or 142 in cyt b gene. Consequently, the codon 129 or 143 in cyt b gene might not the major resistant mechanism to QoIs in B. cinerea of strawberry in Taiwan.


gray mold Strobilurins QoIs BC50 cyt b gene
