  • 期刊

Occurrence of Pierce's Disease of Grapevines and Its Control Strategies in Taiwan



葡萄皮爾斯病(Pierce's disease,PD),是由棲息導管細菌Xylella fastidiosa所引起,為一國際性重要檢疫植物病害。行政院農業委員會動植物防疫檢疫局自2002年針對國內是否存有PD?啓動偵測調查(detection survey),歷年來利用病原菌分離及PCR檢測技術,確認PD罹病株達13674株,並完成剷除罹病株之清源工作。迄今替代性寄主植物(alternative hosts)的偵測共確認四種寄主,分別為雙輪瓜(Diplocyclos palmatus (L.) C. Jeffrey)、漢氏山葡萄(Ampelopsis brevipedunculata (Maxim.) Trautv var. hancei (Planch.) Rehder)、葎草(Humulus scandens (Lour.) Merr.)及白匏仔(Mallotus paniculatus (Lam.) Muell. -Arg.)。分析國內各地PD葡萄菌株與來自4種替代性寄主植物之菌株,進行16S rRNA基因解序,並與來自不同寄主植物之X. fastidiosa菌株進行比對,寄主包含台灣的梨樹與國外的葡萄、桑椹、李、核桃、無花果及夾竹桃等,再利用鄰近連接法(neighbour-joining)親緣樹狀圖分析,結果顯示來自不同寄主植物之X. fastidiosa菌株,可分為五個菌群:第一群為葡萄與桑椹菌群,第二群為咖啡與柑橘菌群,第三群為胡桃、李、桃及無花果菌群,第四群為夾竹桃菌群,第五群為梨菌群。而台灣的葡萄及替代性寄主與來自美國的葡萄及桑椹菌株皆屬於第一群,具有同源性。為有效控制國內葡萄PD之擴散,其防疫策略如下:(1)種植健康葡萄植株並立即鏟除圍內疑似PD之罹病株。(2)鏟除園區周邊鄰近替代性寄主植物及本土媒介昆蟲喜愛之植物,才能更有效根除PD殘存之感染源。(3)有效降低本土媒介昆蟲之族群並積極防杜國外已知媒介昆蟲入侵。


PD of grapes caused by Xylella fastidiosa, a xylem-limited bacterium, has been listed as one of the international quarantine plant diseases. From 2002, the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine launched a survey project to detect PD in Taiwan. So far, a total of 13,674 grapevines were confirmed to be infected by X. fastidiosa via direct isolations and PCR protocols. Other than grapes, the following four plants were confirmed to be the alternative hosts of PD in Taiwan: Diplocyclos palmatus (L.) C. Jeffrey, Ampelopsis brevipedunculata (Maxim.) Trautv var. hancei (Planch.) Rehder., Humulus scandens (Lour.) Merr., and Mallotus paniculatus (Lam.) Muell.-Arg. The 16S rRNA sequences of PD strains isolated from tissues of grapevines exhibiting PD symptoms collected from 5 counties and 4 alternative hosts were compared with X. fastidiosa from other hosts. The phylogenetic trees constructed with neighbour-joining method revealed that X. fastidiosa strains from different hosts could be divided into five subgroups and the PD strains from Taiwan were grouped with grapevine and mulberry strains from the Americas. The control strategies recommended for limiting the spread of PD are as follows: (1) to plant the healthy seedlings and eradicate the PD-like grapevines immediately (2) to eradicate the alternative hosts and the weeds that insect vectors favor (3) to control the population of indigenous insect vectors and avoid the invasion of foreign insect vectors.
