  • 期刊

Optimal Design and Operation Simulation Analysis of Absorption Chilled Water Storage Air Conditioning System Driven by Waste Heat



在能源價格上漲與全球氣溫暖化的危機下,節約能源與減少二氧化碳排放兩大議題成為了工程界致力的目標。因此,利用鋼鐵廠製程時所產生的廢熱驅動吸收式冰水主機,不僅可以有效利用廢熱空氣,達到「節能減碳」的效果,還可以提供多餘的冷水給其他製程或辦公室空調使用。本研究首先提出一最佳化設計方法,使系統之初始成本與10年間的運轉能源成本總和為最低,達到經濟及節能的目的,接著建立空調系統中各主要設備的耗能計算方式,包括吸收式冰水主機、廢熱交換器、風機與水泵、冷卻水塔等,預測出該設備在不同操作條件下的性能表現。將上述研究整合後,將可提出系統整體耗能模擬計算的流程,藉此可在考慮大氣溫度、空調負載的情況下,模擬該系統於不同節能控制策略下,系統的總耗能量與各設備運轉狀況,以比較不同控製策略可達成之節能效果,並提出最佳的吸收式儲冷冰水系統運轉策略,找到系統最佳操作點,進行節能效益評估,達到節約能源的目的。以本研究採用鐵礦燒結排氣廢熱9,721 kW作為熱源,利用所提出的節能效益評估為例,若控制冷卻水入口水溫為32℃、熱水入口水溫為105℃、和標稱狀態比較,則可有效節省空調系統一日總耗電量約6.7%。


We propose to efficiently utilize absorption refrigerators to reclaim waste heat from steel factories for office building air conditioning and chilled water supply. In this study, we developed an optimal design of such absorption refrigerator systems to minimize the initial cost and ten-year operation energy costs. We developed a comprehensive simulator including the power consumption calculation methods for the main devices such as the absorption refrigerator, waste heat exchanger, fan, pump, and cooling tower to simulate the performance of such refrigerating systems under different operating conditionings. The simulation allows the computing of total power consumption of the system under all operating conditionings of the devices with different scenarios of control strategies. With the atmospheric temperature and cooling load specified, the approach can identify the best absorption refrigeration water storage system strategy to maximize the operating energy efficiency. For example, the energy efficiency assessment for waste heat of 9,721 kW with entry control cooling water at 32℃ and the hot water entry temperature at 105℃, the best optimal design and operating strategy can efficiently lower the energy consumption approximately 6.7% in twenty four hours.
