  • 期刊


A Study on Geological Structures in Areas of the Nangkang River and the Choushiui River, Central Taiwan




The present study focuses on the sequence and structural characteristics of the Paileng Formation and its equivalents in order to unravel the structural pattern of the Hsuehshan Range. Based on the lithologic characteristics of strata and radiometric dating data, the Shuichangliu Formation has the age from late Oligocene to Early Oligocene or even older, can be correlated to, in a descending order, including the Lushan Formation, the Meichi Sandstone and the Chiayang Formation. The upper part of the Paileng Formation which underlies the Shuichangliu Formation is correlated to the Tachien Sandstone and the Yushanchushan Formation, while the latter is suggested to be abandoned. In addition, the lower part of the Paileng Formation is correlated to the Shihpachungchi Formation. According to the stratigraphic sequence and the mesoscale structures, it is suggested that the study area of the Hsuehshan Range is constituted by two synclinoria and one anticlinorium. East of the Tili fault constitutes another easternmost anticlinorium, and the fault may serve as a break-through thrust which cutting the frontal limb of the anticlinorium. Strata exposed in the eastern limb of the former anticlinorium constitute a homocline structure which is obviously different from the area west of the Tili fault.
