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Microsatellite Attitude Control Subsystem Design and Simulation


根據微衛星的設定任務目標,即600公里高的圓軌道、三軸穩定控制,0.1度的地球指向精度,因而採用動量偏斜(Momentum bias)爲姿態控制次系統的主要架構。此系統將以一個對Y軸旋轉的動量飛輪(Momentum Wheel)來控制Y軸姿態(Pitch attitude)以及提供X、Z軸(Roll、Yaw attitude)穩定,再配合三軸的磁力棒(Magnetic torque rod)做X、Z軸的控制,此外磁力棒亦提供卸除動量飛輪多餘角動量(Momentum unloading)的功能。姿態決定(Attitude determination)方面使用地弧感測器(Earth Sensor)、太陽感測器(Sun Sensor)與三軸的地磁感測器(Magnetometer)。整個控制過程主要利用模式A(Mode A)以達到0.1度的精度,而備用的控制系統膜式B(Mode B)則可達3度的精度。其中每個棋式均分成兩個控制階段(Phase):搜尋階段(Acquisition Phase)與任務階段(Mission Phase),透過此兩階段來完成階段性任務。最後利用程式模擬做系統性能的分析與驗證,獲得滿足設計需求。


To meet the design requirements of a 600 km height circular orbit, 3-axis stabilized control, and 0.1° earth pointing accuracy of a low-earth orbit microsatellite, the attitude control subsystem in the present study is designed based on the momentum-biased stabilization. One momentum wheel with the wheel axis perpendicular to the orbit plane is employed to control the pitch attitude and two magnetic torque rods are used to control the roll and yaw axes. Another torque rod is also used to dump the excess momentum exerted from the momentum wheel. For the attitude determination design, the hardware sensors used inc1ude an earth sensor, a sun sensor and a three-axis magnetometer. The main control processes of the microsatellite attitude control subsystem include two modes: Mode A and Mode B. In control Mode A, and Mode B. In control Mode A, the satellite can be controlled up to 0.1° pointing accuracy, whi1e the control Mode B serves a back-up mode, which provides up to 3° pointing accuracy. Each mode however consists of two phases well, which includes acquisition phase and mission phase Results indicate that the required accuracies for both Modes' design are perfectly obtained after the simulation analysis.
