  • 期刊


The Study of Customer Satisfaction of Taiwanese Barcode Industry in China




Using the Taiwanese barcode industry's customers in China as the research target in the business market, the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty as research using the LISREL to propose appropriate structure model. The results indicate that most of the users in China believe the product quality, customer service and price all have positive direct affect on customer's satisfaction in the barcode industry. One of the biggest influence of customer's satisfaction is service quality, as oppose to the price, which had less impact toward the customer's satisfactory level; therefore, the business market have higher expectation on the service quality than the price. Besides, through the customer's satisfaction, we were able to see the product quality, service quality, and price all have great influence on customer's loyalty. Different vender's backgrounds toward the customer's satisfaction and customer's loyalty have apparent close correlation with the vender's capital. When a vender's capital is low, the satisfactory level will also be low, one of the reason maybe the vender with lower capital does not have the same technology and support from other supplier as the venders with higher capital. Other than the capital factors, there are not apparent factors for the customer's satisfaction and the customer's loyalty. For the business strategy as a whole, we should focus more on the customer services quality in order to gain most customer's satisfaction level and the brand loyalty, but the product quality, and price should not be ignored either because it has close correlation toward the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.


Anderson, E. W.,M. W. Sullivan(1993).The Antecedents and Consequences of Customer Satisfaction for Firms.Marketing Science.12(2),125-143.
