  • 期刊

Multiple Attributes Decision-Making Model for Medical Service Selection: An AHP Approach



目前國內針對醫療服務選擇的相關研究,對於以病患個人選擇醫療服務的決策行爲的相關探討闕如。本研究是基於病患個人選擇醫療服務的需求爲出發點,在醫療資訊不對稱及國人慣有的就醫模式的背景之下,建構一個多屬性評估方法。分析層級程序法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)是一可用來幫助病患選擇適合他的醫療服務決策工具。本研究透過文獻探討,架構包含4個根本目標及14項屬性的多層級醫療服務選擇的決策模式,以提供病患於就醫時有一套系統化的決策分析架構可供依循。AHP分析軟體實證兩位受測者,並發現此一決策模式可有效協助病患於選擇醫療服務時以系統性的觀點來評估其需求並可藉由搜集之資訊或本身之醫療結果,不斷的調整決策屬性及相對重要性,進而達到更佳的決策方案。決策是主觀的判斷,然而透過AHP系統化的架構方法,可將問題釐清並能全盤掌握決策的元素及歷程,尤其針對與個人生命有關的醫療服務選擇,對其決策品質更能有所助益。正因爲決策者能清楚決策的元素、架構及歷程,縱使初期的決策結果不佳,也能經由檢視其決策系統並及時作適當的調整,其較之毫無章法的決定更能與時俱進,並提供決策者最適當的醫療服務。


Since medical field is highly professional, the medical service provider thus owns professional knowledge much higher than the consumers and information asymmetric nature is thus one of the major features in medical field. Systematic decision-making analysis can help decision maker to summarize and judge all information effectively and to define right question and to find out optimum and the most appropriate solution. Therefore, decision-making can be relying on capability instead of luck. This study intends to build an evaluation method of multiple attributes for medical service selection, that is, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). AHP is applied to two patients under test in this study and the results show that this multiple attributes decision-making MADM) model can effectively help the patient to evaluate his/her own need by using systematic point of view during the selection of medical service; in the mean time, the decision-making attributes and relative importance can be continuously adjusted through collected information or its own medical result, and finally, a better decision and solution can be obtained.


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