  • 期刊


Establishment of Quality Function Deployment Model Based on an Intuitionistic Fuzzy Approach: Optical Lens Development and Design


面對全球化的競爭,顧客滿意是今日企業達成永續經營及獲利的一項重要議題,其中品質機能展開(Quality Function Deployment, QFD)可將顧客聲音納入產品技術研發與規格訂製需求之中,確保產品符合顧客的滿意度。但礙於QFD規劃過程中,存在許多不確定性與語意模糊的因素存在,囿於這些存在的不精確資訊並不適用傳統QFD方法處理。因此,本研究提出直觀模糊QFD與Kano模式用以適當的處理顧客需求於產品設計上。而在本研究方法中,首先應用直觀模糊於品質機能展開的產品設計開發過程,並以順序權重平均法(Ordered Weighted Averaging, OWA)計算綜合權重分數,另以Kano二維品質概念模型觀點處理顧客需求(Customer Requirements, CRs)與產品設計需求(Design Requirements, DRs)的關係矩陣,使產品設計能更專注於產品品質上。最後以光學鏡頭產品設計為例,驗證直觀模糊集結合品質機能展開應用的分析,用以提供相關產業於產品開發設計時的參考。


Customer satisfaction is a prominent issue for enterprises in being sustainable and making profit. In particular, quality function deployment (QFD) incorporates the voice of customers into product research and development and custom specifications requirements to fulfill customer satisfaction. However, during the QFD planning process, the uncertainty and ambiguities of customer requirements (CRs) have revealed that the conventional QFD method was not considered applicable for the existent imprecise information. Thus, this study used intuitionistic fuzzy QFD and Kano model to appropriately apply customer requirements to product design. For research methods, we applied intuitionistic fuzzy sets to the development process of product design of QFD. Ordered weighted averaging (OWA) was used in the calculation of weighted scores. Additionally, Kano's two-dimensional quality model was employed to process the relationship matrix between CRs and design requirements (DRs). Last, the study conducted a case study on optical lens design that verifies the analysis on the integration of intuitionistic fuzzy sets with QFD applications. The results could serve as a reference for related industries in future product development and design.


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