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Changes in Risk and the Demand for Coinsurance for Economically Important Individuals



This paper provides the necessary and sufficient conditions such that economically important individuals, as suggested by Tsetlin et al. (2015), demand a higher coinsurance rate when they face a change in the underlying loss distribution. We further study this issue by classifying the changes in risk into: (1) an increase in the severity of loss, and (2) an increase in the probability of loss. Finally, we provide a numerical example to demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed approach.


本文以Tsetlin et al.(2015)定義之經濟重要性(economically important)個人,探討其在面臨損失分配改變時,保險需求提升的充分必要條件。接著進一步將風險變動的來源,劃分為以下兩個部分討論:第一部分是損失強度(severity of loss)增加,第二部分是損失機率(probability of loss)增加。最後,本文以數值範例說明主要定理之應用。


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