  • 期刊


The Analysis of the Probloms of Identification in the Disasters in Taiwan


人身鑑別乃是大災難處理過程中最重要的一環,也是最艱難、複雜的一項課題,需要結合各個專業部門的人才,以團隊分工合作的方式,運用各種科學的新知,加上不斷修正改進各個環節的效率之後,才能達到精確人身鑑別的結果。在現今臺灣地區中,並沒有制度化人身鑑別的團隊或是機動支援的單位,因此,對大災難後的人身鑑別案例造成因陋就簡,草率應付,敷衍塞責的種種病併發症,爲國人及國際人士所詬病。 本文乃就臺灣地區大災難人身鑑別問題,分析問題的背景和形成的原因,並與日本、歐美等國家的處理方式加以比較分析,提出具體癥結所在,以供作爲日後改進的參考。


大災難 人身鑑別


The identification of the victim is the most important procedure in the management of the death investigation of the disasters. It is a very difficult, complicated, specialized, expert and team-work investigative procedure, and needs a join of many forensic specialists and various applications of the modern, advanced knowledge and techniques. In Taiwan, the mass disaster is infrequent but smaller disasters do occur in recent 5 years. Whenever it happens, the insufficient management of identification becomes a problem and criticized by the people and media. Unfortunately, the condition is not improved every time after the criticism and peoples don't learn the lesson. In order to explore and understand the basic problems of identifiaction of the victim in disasters in Taiwan. We analyses the background factors and the planning organization of the personal identification in death investigation of the disasters, and compares with the foreign countries, as a guide to improve the future events.


disaster body identification
