  • 期刊


Human Factors and Air Traffic Controller




Since Fitts reported series of studies concerning human factors in air traffic control in 1951, this field had a major influence on subsequent events and has appealed to academic researchers and specialists to discuss the gap between laboratory research findings and their practical application. Because basic human capabilities and limitations-of learning, attending, understanding, remembering, adapting, processing information, taking decisions, solving problems, predicting, and so on-remain much the same no matter what happens in technological advances. Therefore, the main effort ot human factors scientists is to march into new technology to cope withe human limitations and to reallocate the functions between human and machine. Many of these technological innovations involve increased automation of functions or more computer assistance for controllers. The required manual performance of routine tasks will be replaced with monitoring of the automated functions. However, at the heart of human factors is the human in the air traffic control system and the interactions between human and system, not all the technological advances are suggested or advisable for human factors reasons. The solution is to bring the restoration to the controller of the central role in the system, with technology used to enhance the efficiency and satisfaction of that central role.


