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A New Method of Schema Integration for Extensible Distributed Multidatabase System


面對分散式多資料庫系統(Distributed Multidatabase System)的來臨,我們所要解決的有關資料庫整合的問題,將趨於複雜及多樣,而綱目整合(Schema lntegration)問題又是多資料庫系統中首先必須克服的項目之一。但在以往分散式多資料庫系統相關研究中,無論系統的規模大小如何,其在綱目整合方面,皆屬於固定數目的多資料庫系統,並未對持續擴充及延展的系統提出適當的解決方法。基於此,本研究即提出一個新的系統架構及處理程序,以解決實際環境中可延展多資料庫系統綱目及資料衝突和綱目整合的問題。


At the beginning of DISTRIBUTED MULTlDATABASE SYSTEM, the problem of database integration that we want to solve is more complex and diverse, and the problems of SCHEMA INTEGRATION are one of the items that must be conquered first among the multidatabase system. No matter what the system scale is, the researches of DISTRIBUTED MULTIDATABASE SYSTEM on SCHEMA INTEGRATION in the past are constant multidatabase systems, the appropriate solution of continuous, extensible system is still not proposed. In this study, we construct a new system architecture and processing procedures to solve the schema and data conflict and SCHEMA INTEGRATION problems of EXTENSIBLE DISTRIBUTED MULTIDATABASE SYSTEM in real environment completely.
