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An Evacuation Route Planning Model for Nuclear Disaster Incident


核災事故疏散規劃與一般天然災害疏散不同在於核災事故會產生輻射塵汙染區,在從輻射汙染區域撤離之前,徹底清除輻射塵是重要的工作。因此,核災難疏散問題有兩個議題,第一,如何幫助災民在疏散任務中進行輻射塵清洗點選擇; 第二,如何幫助災民選擇疏散到安全地區的最佳疏散路徑。本研究採用非線性規劃建立核災事故疏散路徑規劃模型,並證明模型的最佳化條件,同時,本研究也發展了求解演算法來進行問題的求解。經數值範例測試,對於核災疏散問題模型,可同時求得最佳輻射塵清洗點選擇以及疏散路線選擇,當面對核災難事件時,本研究將有助於進行疏散規劃時的決策支援。


The evacuation planning of the nuclear disaster incident is different with the evacuation planning of general natural disasters. Nuclear disasters will produce radiation dust pollution area. It is important to decontaminate the radiant dust before evacuating from the radiation contaminated area. Therefore, there are two issues in the evacuation problem of nuclear disasters. Firstly, how to choose the decontaminate radiation dust position for the victims in the evacuation of the task. Secondly, choose the optimal evacuation route for the victims. Nonlinear programming is used to formulate an evacuation route planning model for nuclear disaster incident in this study. The optimality conditions also have been proof. We also developed a solution algorithm to solve the problem. After numerical example tests, The optimal decontaminate radiation dust position choice and evacuation route choice can be obtained simultaneously from the proposed model. When it comes to the nuclear disaster incident, the study is advantage to support the decision-making for the evacuation planning.
