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An Empirical Study on the Adopting Factors of the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure for the Government Organizations: Extending the TTF and UTAUT2 Model


虛擬桌面基礎建設(Virtual Desktop Infrastructure, VDI)係以中央控管的資料中心伺服器為基礎,進行桌面作業系統管理的虛擬化科技。組織要建置VDI涉及潛在及重大的資訊基礎建設的投資,而組織採用VDI則會因組織任務、特性、規模大小及其文化,似有不同的考量。本研究以延伸整合型科技接受模式UTAUT2及任務-科技適配模式TTF之概念為整合模型,並在成功推展VDI的組織中,以決策試驗與實驗分析法(Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory, DEMATEL)來探討決策者對VDI的採用因素。研究目的在於提出一套整合的VDI採用因素模型,同時分析這些採用因素的影響與關聯。研究發現便利條件、任務特性、績效期望、任務科技適配4項因素,在VDI的採用決策中,屬於影響層面較廣的因素,也對採用意圖及採用行為造成了正面的影響。若在組織中對此4項因素的內涵進行提升,可以改善VDI的採用環境,並獲得決策者更多的採用支持。


VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) is a virtualization technology to manage the desktop operating system in the centralize-managed data center server. It is relatively expensive to set the VDI up in the organization, no matter how many virtual machines in VDI. Therefore, organizations will consider different adoption factors depend upon its mission, character or culture for VDI consideration. This study integrates the models of UTAUT2 (Extending the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology) and TTF (Task-Technology Fit) to present a research framework and takes DEMATEL (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) to analyze the adoption factors of decision makers. In summary, the purpose of this study is to identify a comprehensive set of determinants for VDI adoption and to derive the causal relationships among the identified determinants. The "Facilitate Condition", "Task Characteristics", "Performance Expectation", and "Task Technology Fit" are the most important influence factors in VDI adoption decision consideration, and they would cause positive effect to "Behavior Intention" and "Use Behavior". This study suggests organizations to improve VDI adoption preconditions with a variety of means, and expects decision makers to acquire more practices when VDI was adopted by a formal government organization.
