  • 期刊


Psychometric Assessment of Survey of Recent Life Experience Scale on a Taiwanese Sample


本研究的目的在1.檢視一項外國的壓力量表:最近生活經驗調查量表(Survey of Recent Life Experience SRLE)的翻譯過程,2.按實證資料刪減量表的細項,使精簡後的量表方便病人回答而不失其原有的的信效度,3.檢測翻譯的壓力量表用於我國中年族群的心理測量學特性(psychometric properties)。 本研究共收集116位50歲以上個案之問卷資料,問卷內容包括基本資料、46項中文化之最近生活經驗調查量表、個案自評的社會支持程度及身體健康狀況。將問卷的資料轉解碼輸入電腦後以SPSS/PC統計軟體分析,主要統計方法包括描述性統計、相關統計和因素分析再度檢視46項中文化之最近生活經驗調查表之信度及效度,依據初步統計結果,刪除不適當的細項,將原量表縮減16項成為三十個細項的新量表再測其心理測量學特性,結果顯示,縮短後之最近生活經驗調查量表有良好的內在一致性(a=0.88)及再測信度(г=0.87),因素分析顯示分離出的五個因素可解釋50.1%的變異量。本研究以社會支持程度和自評健康狀況為效標評估新量表的同時效度,結果顯示個案的壓力總分與社會支持程度及自評健康狀況在統計上呈現著負相關,表示新量表具良好之同時效度。 總之,根據本研究的結果分析,英文SRLE壓力量表譯成中文,且細項經過“先增後刪”的過程使量表變成30項的生活壓力量表後,信度、效度均能維持原量表的水準,若用於我國中老年人的研究,是一個可接受的量表。


The purposes of this study were (1) to test the reliability and validity of a translated English stress scale, Survey of Recent Life Experience (SRLE), for a sample of older Taiwanese population, and (2) to shorten and consolidate the scale based on the empirical data. A convenient sample of 116 subjects who were 50 years or older was recruited in a teaching hospital. Questionnaires and interviews were utilized to collect data. Measurements consisted of three scales: A 46-item Chinese version SRLE, a perceived social support scale and a self-rated health scale. Using SPSS package, frequency, correlation, reliability, and exploratory factor analysis statistics were analyzed. The 46-item SRLE showed adequate psychometric properties. Then, on the basis of statistical and substantive data, 16 items were deleted from the SRLE scale. The examination of psychometric properties of the 30-item scale revealed a high internal consistency (a=0.88) and good test-retest reliability. Factor analysis on the 30-item SRLE identified five factors which correspond fairly well with the concept of original scale. Five factors accounted for a total of 50.1% of variance of the scores. The perceived social support and self-rated health status, criterion to measure the concurrent validity of SRLE, both were significantly negatively correlated with SRLE scores as predicted. In conclusion, this study has provided adequate evidence supporting psychometric properties of original and short version of SRLE transculturally. The short Chinese version on SRLE is an adequate scale to be utilized in future research proposal which refer to older Taiwanese population. Information is presented on methodological concerns when adapting scales from other cultures and written in different languages.
