  • 期刊


The Clinical Validation of Defining Characteristics of Acute Pain in Abdominal Postoperative Patient


本研究目的為建立一套具有信度與效度的評量表,並找出手術後急性疼痛的公要性特徵。採用研究者所擬定之腹部手術後急性痛定義特徵評量表,進行手術後急性痛定義特微之直接觀察,共收集個案78人。研究結果顯示:在量表信度方面,評估者閒有良好的一致性達88%,定義性特做的內在一致性α值0.8447,項間相關係數0.3810;在量表的效度方面,建構效度經相關係數矩陣檢視後,刪除第 13項定義特徵。依14項定義性特徵進行最大變異量分析,並萃取出兩個次概念即身體與生理反應表現和防衛性情緒表徵。兩因素具有良好的內在一致性,α值分別為0.7595,0.8386,解釋共變量47.2%。並依中數值、矯正單項與總項關係、固有值與因素係數等四個條件選出喊痛、皺眉、張大眼或閉眼、身體固定不動、不敢翻身活動、脈持次數改變、睡眠干擾、身體活動時彊硬和身體活動減少或變慢等九項必要性之定義性特徹。由上述結果之呈現顯示,臨床疼痛之評估除了病人是否喊痛外,護理人員在執行各項護理活動時,運用觀察病人身體與生理反應表現和防衛性情緒表徵上的疼痛表現更是重要。而引流管數量的多少和過去病史是影響疼痛表現有意義的相關因素。


The purpose of this study were to establish the construct validity and reliability of assessment tools, and to identify the essential defining characteristics (DC). A postoperative pain characteristics scale was designed by the researcher. Seventy-eight abdominal surgical patients were assessed to collect the DC of postoperative pain. Results of this study indicated that: in pain scale reliability, there was good consistence (88%) between raters. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of DC of “postoperative pain” was 0.8447. The correlation between items was 0.38 10. In pain scale validity, construct validity which was tested for 14 items of DC accounting for common variance is 2%. According to factor loading, two sub-concepts of defining characteristics are identified: physiological response and defensive emotional characteristics. The alpha coefficient of the two sub-concepts is 0.76 and 0.84 respectively. Based on the criteria of medium-um, corrected item/total items correlation, eigenvalue and factor loading, nine items of the essential DC are selected including pain descriptors, frowns, closed or open eyes, fixed body position, slowing or decreasing body movement, fear to change position or cough, rigid muscles during body movement, pulse rate change and sleep interruption. Findings showed that clinical pain assessment involves not only assessing patients’ pain descriptors, but also observing their non-verbal behaviors to physiological response and defense emotional tional characteristics. The number of drainage tubes inserted and past history of patients were significantly related factors affecting postoperative pain characteristics.


