  • 期刊


Defining the Content Domain of Health-Related Quality of Life for Terminally Ill Cancer Patients


本研究之目的在確認及解釋癌末病患生活品質之內涵。研究經立竟取樣,針對某醫學中心之50名末期癌症住院患者爲對象;採用同步之方法上的三角交叉檢視法(simultaneous methodological triangulation)收集與分析資料。質性資料系根據其中的20位元病患,以低結構開放均經訪談錄音為基礎;量性資料以生活品質內涵問卷收信之。質、量性資料之收信方法與工具均經信、效度檢測,並經相關統計(inferential statistics) 與內容分析法(content analysis)分析歸納以達解釋互補之效。研究綜合歸納了13項結論;一般而論,正常的生活與工作及自家人的支援力量,均為病患提升個人價值與生活品質的重要指標。此外,急性醫療機構中之住院癌患,雖處於末期階段,仍有80%正接受積極性的治療,亦有1/3的患者對自己的病情尚處於無知或懷疑狀況;病症末期病患生活品質的重要性應有強調的必要性。政府政策與制度的前瞻與彈性化、足夠的緩和療護結構、普及化的緩和療護理念推廣,及一周全的緩各療護品質評鑑標準,實有刻不容緩之急。根據研究結果,本研究分別就實務、教育、政策與行政及未來研究方向做了具體之建議。


The purpose of this research was to identify attributes that define the content domain of health-related quality of life in a sample of 50 terminally ill cancer patients in a medical center in Taiwan. A simultaneous methodological triangulation was used to collect and analyze data. Qualitative data were collected from 20 subjects drawn from the study sample, using semi-structured and taped in-depth interviews. Quantitative data were collected from the total sample using a self-completion or interviewer-administered questionnaire which included bio-psycho-social and spiritual well-being items. Inferential statistics and content analysis were used to analyze the resulting data. Findings show that normal living and working life as well as support from their families were the essential indicators of the life quality and self-value of the subjects. Based on two of the 13 key findings, i.e. that one-third of the subjects were not aware of their terminally ill status due to the family custom of “white lie”, and 80% of them were in active treatment in acute hospitals in Taiwan, quality of life for terminally ill patients cannot be overemphasized. Changes in health care policy supporting development of palliative and hospice care are urgently needed. Special suggestions for nursing practice, education, administration and policies as well as future research are discussed in detail in the full paper.


李劉瀅瀅(2009)。探討晚期癌症病人及家屬對疾病之不確定感 與希望狀態的預測因子〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2009.01650
