  • 期刊


The Effects of Diet and Exercise Self-Monitoring on Blood and Body Lipids in Patients with Hyperlipidemia




The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of self-monitoring intervention on blood and body lipids in patients with hyperlipidemia. Purposive sampling was conducted at the OPD of a medical center. One hundred and twelve sample subjects were randomly assigned into experimental and control groups. Subjects in both groups received a standard and systemic teaching program in which one to one oral teaching and a pamphlet were provided to each subject. The teaching program focused on diet modification and exercise to control their blood and body lipids. In the experimental group, subjects were taught to use a self-monitoring sheet to record their weekly diet and exercise information. Every two weeks for three months each subject would receive a phone call which reminded them to record and mail the sheet to the researcher. After three months' self-monitoring, subjects in the experimental group showed significant improvement in knowledge of hyperlipid control, self-efficacy in both diet and exercise regimen for the control of hyperlipidemia, and the levels of blood lipids. However, there were no significant changes in body lipid profiles. To sum up, the findings of this study demonstrated that patients' self-monitoring of their hyperlipidemia can not only be effective for the improvement of knowledge and self efficacy in lipid control, but also for the improvement of their blood and body profiles. In addition, self-monitoring can modify patients' exercise diet and behavior and influence lipid profile outcome directly.


