  • 期刊

The Value of Follow-up Japanese Encephalitis on (superscript 99m)Tc-TRODAT Imaging



一位65歲住院女性患者有神智不清、發燒、頭痛、肌肉酸痛等症狀(約7天)。此外,該病患有步伐不穩、暫時失憶、雙側對稱性動作遲緩等症狀且持續惡化中。她的生化血清報告IgM (ELISA)和腦脊髓液報告指出可能爲日本腦炎。經過一個月治療後,巴金森氏症症狀有改善。然而,該病患卻發生右手動作遲緩的症狀。這位病患從診斷出日本腦炎到治療過程後,一共做2次多巴胺轉運體造影的檢查。已於文獻發表的第一次檢查發現兩側紋狀體的攝取顯著減少;第二次的檢查結果顯示兩側紋狀體的攝取明顯不對稱(左側減少更爲顯著)。根據這個結果我們臆測多巴胺轉運體造影檢查和病患的臨床治療過程應該有良好的相關性。


A 65-year-old female suffering from high body temperature, myalgia and headache, followed by disturbed consciousness for 7 days presented at the hospital. She then developed a shuffling gait and symmetric hypokinesia. IgM capture enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) of the serum and CSF indicated Japanese encephalitis. After one-month treatment, the parkinsonism symptoms and signs improved. However, the right hand appeared clumsy at this time. During the onset and after treatment for Japanese encephalitis, (superscript 99m)Tc-TRODAT scans were performed twice. The first scan showed significantly decreased tracer uptake in bilateral striatum which had been reported previously, the second one revealed markedly asymmetrically decreased tracer uptake in bilateral striatum (more severe on the left side) that matched with clinical courses.
