  • 期刊


Improvement of Transmission System in Oil & Gas Field


礦區輸送管線將各井生產之油氣送至適中地點匯合後,轉接較大管徑分區送入汽油廠處理後銷售。因此,在礦區開發之始,即視生產情況、進廠壓力及地理途徑等因素,採以單相(天然氣或原油)單獨輸送或油氣水(氣-液)混合的兩相輸送,以求最經濟的輸送方式。 永和山礦區各生產井,遠離汽油廠,井數不多,採用一條高壓六吋管線,進行油氣水兩相共同輸送,生產初期,流動壓力高,通暢無阻,但經十餘年以後,地層壓力逐漸下降,輸送壓力漸漸無法推送管內之液體,因此,在管線低漥之處,液體逐漸滯留聚集,產生阻塞現象,如未即時加以排除,將導致油氣無法流動而關井停產,造成損失。後經於最末端之永和山七號井,改善流程,先經分離器析出之油水液體,就地儲存,而天然氣單獨輸送往汽油廠,則輸送壓力可降低200~250Psi,迄今又歷十餘年,仍續維持生產,效果良好。 錦水礦區之油氣輸送管線距離較短,管徑較小,受當時設計規劃之限制,不易改變操作方式,尤其是經過20餘年的生產,加上各生產井開發時間長短不一,井口生產流壓高低有別,如全部均以同一壓力進廠處理,往往失之偏頗,無法周全。有鑑於此,錦水礦區的使用管線,多年來,配合礦區管線的增設、青草湖礦區的流程改善、白沙屯區新管線的鋪設以及管線汰舊換新計劃等等的施工,進行管線局部增設或改裝,已完成錦水礦區之輸送管線高低壓分別輸送的流程,可配合汽油廠增設之昇壓機的運轉,分別以高壓(450 Psi)與低壓(250 Psi),或全部高、低壓之輸送方式進廠處理,有效的提高油氣採收效益,並延長管線的使用年限。


This article describes the improvement of oil & gas transmission system in the YHS field and CS field. At the early stage of production, the formation pressure is high enough for liquids & gas two-phase flow inside pipeline. But when the formation pressure declined too low to support two-phase flow, the system was modified to a gas single phase flow only, liquids were kept in stock tank in well site and transported by tank car to the CS gasoline plant. After more then 20 years recovery, the system needs more modification to subject different wellhead flowing pressure from each well. In order to recover more reserves, the pipeline system was separated into higher pressure system and lower pressure system from manifold. The two systems can be operated combine or separate, and the lower one can be worked with booster compressor, to transport gas into the CS gasoline plant. After modification, the well head abandon pressure drops from 500psi to 250psi, and the total recovery can be improved efficiently.


