  • 期刊


The Developing and Competition Strategy of Petrochemical Business in C. P. C


中國石油公司之石化規模,在烯烴部份,自1968年興建第一輕油裂解工場(一輕),至1994年第五輕油裂解工場(五輕)興建完成,經淘汰不具競爭力的一輕及二輕,目前乙烯年產能為108萬公噸。芳香煙部份,由第一至第六媒組工場(1956~1993)、第一至第六芳香烴萃取工場(1959~1993)及三套二甲苯分離工場(1979~1993) ,至2004年對二甲苯年產量達64萬公噸。 本公司為發展石化事業,於2000年成立石化事業部,以統籌全公司石化産品之生産、銷售及輸儲,並將石化品碼頭-前鎮儲運所納入,以便配合産銷調度的要求,靈活進行所需的進出口業務,以及爲下游客戶代輸儲等服務。石化事業部歷經3年來的運作,產、銷、儲已步入正軌。現今重要工作爲調整經營績效管理制度,有效的控制成本,其項目有生産計畫、能耗管理、産率、損耗及生産成本分析,以期達成經營目標。 民營的台塑集團急起直追,其第六輕油裂解工場(六輕)一、二期分別於1998及2000年完工投產,並經去瓶頸後,乙烯年產能達170萬公噸,在六輕計畫內的芳香烴工廠,對二甲苯年產量達100萬公噸,並積極規劃第三、四期擴建中。 面對台塑集團已建構完成的石化上、中、下游體系,其經濟規模、垂直整合、生産一貫化及運輸便利(專用工業港)等優勢的强大競爭,以及即將民營化的挑戰,本公司石化事業發展的規劃朝增加供應能力、擴大經濟規模、降低生產成本、滿足市場需求,提昇現階段石化業務之競爭力、進行石化垂直整合、充份利用碼頭設施加強貿易及輸儲能力、開發物流及多角化事業等方向進行。相關重大投資也陸續進行中,包括乙烯冷凍槽興建計畫(2003年底完工)、四輕裂解爐管升級計畫及高壓鍋爐汰舊換新計畫(均預定於2006年完工),並進行中程之高雄煉油廠更新為高科技石化專區的規劃,第三輕油裂解工場更新擴產計畫、雲林石化園區,以及石化產品運籌業務等等,為本公司石化事業勾勒美好的遠景,朝擠身國際十大石化公司努力。


策略 烯烴 石化事業


Chinese Petroleum Corporation (C.P.C.) developed its petrochemical production network in two parts-olefins and aromatics. In olefin production, C.P.C. began building No.1 Naphtha Cracker in 1968. Until 1994, No.5 Naphtha Cracker was completed, and No.1/2 Naphtha Cracker were shut down. Total capacity is 1,080,000 Metric Ton (MT) per year currently. In aromatics production, C.P.C. installed 6 Reformer units (1956~1993), 6 BTX Extraction Units (1959~1993), 3 Xylene Separation units (1979~1993), and total capacity of Para-Xylene reaches 510,000 MT per year. In year 2000, C.P.C. founded Petrochemical Business Division (P.B.D). Petrochemical Business Division is in charge of producing, controlling and selling of petrochemical raw material, such as ethylene, propylene, butadiene etc. Since importing and exporting business are very important in the production controlling, Chien-Cheng Petrochemical Station was included into Petrochemical Business Division. For the past 3 years, Petrochemical Business Division's run is getting smoother, and keeps in regulating performance management system and cost reduction. It includes production planning, energy consumption control, minimizing losses, yield increasing. Mailiao's ehylene plant was completed in year 2000. The production capacity is 1,600,000 MT per year for ethylene and Para-Xylene 625,000 MT. New ethylene plant and aromatics complex is on-going. Comparing with competitor's more modern, huger plants and integrating complex from up-stream and down-stream products and facilities, C.P.C. faces the challenge that ever since. C.P.C.'s Petrochemical Business need to improve from many respects: increase production, low down the cost, improve competition, integrate production from up-stream to down-stream, enhance the usage of harbor for the purpose of trading business and develop logistic. C.P.C. just finished the construction of Ethylene refrigerated tank in year 2003. Modification of No.4 Naphtha Cracker and new Boiler are undergoing. Two mega ethylene plants are planning in Both in P.B.D and R.B.D. These project will make's petrochemical business become more competitive in the future.


Strategy Olefin Petrochemical Business
