  • 期刊


Methodology and Application of Risk-Based Prediction in Equipment Damage for Refinery Plants


煉製工場固定設備和管綫因材質劣化所導致洩漏事件,常使工場蒙受人員傷亡、環境衝擊、非計劃性停爐减産損失、檢修成本提高和經營環境惡化等巨額損失,各工場提升競爭力除創造最大生産利潤外,就是要避免損失,根據國外數據顯示設備事故問題肇因以機械失效比例最高占43%,平均損失達美金7.2億美元,另由統計資料顯示80%的風險損失主要來自於 20%的設備,因此設備劣化風險預知機制的建立已是目前國際各大煉油廠相當重視的議題,而國內可預見的未來各公司將朝降低檢修成本、縮短大修時程和延長工場操作周期來提升國際的競爭力,然而在有限資源下如何兼顧安全和獲利率是各工場所要面臨的現實問題;本文主要整合設備劣化地圖規劃、可靠度手册建制和風險檢查篡率評估(RBI)等三種理論篡礎來發展一套設備劣化風險預知機制,以預估工場高風險設備,並實際將此套機制導入到現場的大修檢查規劃和設備延長開放檢查的申請作業,目前在設備劣化的預知和預防上已獲初期成效,另外對工場提升整體工安水率、快速累積和傳承經驗、縮短問題處理時間、建立固定設備操作/維修/檢查溝通平臺和協助設備申請延長開放也有所助益,未來將進一步累積更多實務經驗和應用成效,以降低非計劃性停爐和工安事故所引起的損失,進而爭取工場延長開放年限,降低檢修成本,才有助於提高煉製和石化工場的國際競爭力。


The failure of equipments and pipings often lead to a large loss of production、damage cost、person injure and environment pollution for refinery plants. Mechanical failure contributes to 43% of process related releases which result in a major incident. However 20% of plant equipments contributes 80% of the entire plants risk by the industry experience. How to optimize the safety and profit is concerned for the improvement of cost position by reducing the time and cost of turnaround and extending plant operation period in today's competitive environment. Therefore, for a facility to early find potential damage and extend operating life of aging equipment, implementing a focused inspection plan is a must. The study of methodology and application of equipment damage prediction is a important trend. In this paper, the methodology and procedure of Risk-Based Prediction were developed by integrating the damage map、reliability manual and RBI. The technology was conducted in the inspection planning of plant turnaround and the application of extension of equipments operation period. The result revealed that the potential damage of equipments could be found and reduce the time of troubleshooting. Current approach also provides a solid platform for the team work of operation、maintenance and inspection. Finally the experience and lesson were discussed.


Refinery Plants Inspection Plan RBI
