  • 期刊


A Strategy for a Sequencing Batch Reactor Treating Oil Refinery Wastewater


本研究即針對批次活性污泥槽(Sequencing Batch Reactor, SBR)處理煉油廢水最佳操作化之研究,主要對曝氣槽的溶氧(DO)、污泥負荷(F/M)等之操作控制進行研究。研究對象為中油公司高雄煉油廠第二廢水處理工場之批次活性污泥槽(SBR);實驗初期,因曝氣槽長期操作一段時間,曝氣槽混合液懸浮固體(MLSS)濃度已累積至11~12g/L,為了找出最佳污泥負荷(F/M),曝氣槽以排泥為手段,增加廢棄污泥量,逐漸降低曝氣槽MLSS濃度,由11~12g/L降至4.0~5.0g/L,曝氣槽MLSS濃度控制在4.0~5.0g/L、6.0~7.0g/L及7.0~8.0g/L,操作約5個月。 經過實場操作之控制條件與處理水質等數據分析結果:當曝氣槽反應結束時溶氧(DO)控制在4mg/L,污泥負荷(F/M)控制在0.12 kgCOD/kgMLSS•day,污泥停留時間(SRT)20天,水力停留時間(HRT)38小時,處理水質COD、NH4(上標 +)、SS平均去除率分別可達到86%、91%、77%。以顯微鏡觀察微生物相時有固著型纖毛蟲類(Ciliata)出現,所謂活性污泥指標微生物,如白鐘蟲(Vorticella Alba)、鐘形蟲(Vorticella Convallaria)、小口鐘蟲(Vorticella Microstoma)、甚至旋輪蟲(Philodina屬)等原生動物(Protozoa),污泥膠羽能凝聚成團、顆粒大、結構緊密、沉降性佳、處理水質清澈、透視度佳、無臭味。


The purpose of this study was to find an operational strategy for a full-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) treating oil refinery wastewater located at CPC Refinery at Kaohsiung. An analysis of its historical data shows that disolve oxygen (DO), mixed liquid suspended solid (MLSS), and the ratio of food to microorganisms (F/M) played important role on its efficiency. Initially, the MLSS was usually controlled at around 11~12 g/L. Three 5-month experiments based on the change of MLSS (4.0~5.0, 6.0~7.0, and 7.0~8.0 g/L) were performed for finding the optimal operational strategy. The experimental results indicate that an optimal MLSS of 4.0~8.0 g/L could be found while its DO and hydraulic retention time (HRT), and sludge retention time (SRT) was controlled at around 4.0 mg/L, 38 hours, and 20 days, respectively. During this period, the respective removal of chemical oxygen demand (COD), suspended solid (SS), ammonion (NH4(superscript +)) reached around 86%, 77%, and 91% respectively, while the F/M was around 0.12 kgCOD/kgMLSS-day. The effluent was clear, highly transparent and odorless. The microscopic observation showed that amount of Ciliata, such as Vorticella Convallaria, Vorticella Alba, and Vorticella Microstoma, could be found in the reactor's supernatant.
