  • 期刊


Fault Sealing Analysis by Using Reservoir Data for TCS Field


鐵砧山氣田為台灣陸上最大氣田,該氣田之生產層為打鹿砂層,自1990年起打鹿砂層中最主要之生產層TT-1A層陸續修三口井及新鑽六口注產氣井並轉用為儲氣窖,由於TT-1A層當作儲氣窖,需逐年降低產氣量至停產以維持所需之墊底氣量,因此必須考量增產TT-IA以外打鹿砂生產層,以增加國內油氣資源之開發,然而由於鐵砧山氣田受斷層分割,相鄰斷塊間各生產層之連通性必須首先加以釐清,後續才能利用油層模擬進行TT-1A以外生產層之增產研究。因此本研究的主要目的乃由油層工程之觀點,利用氣層靜壓量測資料及物質平衡法評估結果,探討鐵砧山氣田儲氣窖所在之主斷層之連通性及其對TT-1A以外打鹿砂生產層之影響,並據以提供油層模擬工作在斷層連通性之設定。 由研究結果顯示,鐵砧山氣田在主斷層兩側不同生產層間,儲氣層砂體相接部分應具連通性,此資訊可進一步提供鐵砧山氣田油氣層模擬極重要之電腦模式調整依據。另由壓力比對分析及TCS-2號井產量異常現象可知,鐵砧山氣田背斜構造主斷層西翼之TT-1B層與主斷層東翼之TT-1A層應具連通性,此亦顯示不應於鐵砧山氣田主斷層西翼TT-1A層以外生產層鑽井或修井尋找剩餘可採蘊藏量。此外本研究亦完成了鐵砧山氣田TT-1B層第一區塊物質平衡法原始氣體埋藏量估算與採收率計算,由物質平衡評估結果及採收率計算結果顯示,主斷層西翼之TT-1B層與主斷層東翼之TT-1A層應具連通性,且鐵砧山氣田TT-1B層第一區塊原始氣體埋藏量約為17.68億立方公尺天然氣與後續油氣層模擬結果極為接近。


TCS Field is the largest gas reservoir in Taiwan. The TT-1A sand of this field has converted into a gas storage since 1990. To maintain the cushion gas and working gas, the production rate of TCS field was reduced year by year. The storage area is focused on the TT-1A sand and other 5 layers are kept production. To improve the recovery factor by using reservoir simulation, it is necessary to identify the fault sealing among blocks and TT-1A sand with other layers. The purpose of this study is to analyze main thrust fault communication of TCS field by using reservoir pressure data and material balance method. Based on our results, it is shown that if the sand formation is partial connected to each other, the fluid will pass through the formation by the connection surface. The main thrust fault is a communicant one and the east side of TT-1A is connected with west side of TT-B layer. This is the reason why the TCS-2 has a very long production history comparing with other nearby wells. The simulation model which was built according to our results can be applied to the selection of infill drilling well locations. Besides, the material balance results show that the west side of TT-1B sand's OGIP is around 1768 mmscm, which is very close to our reservoir simulation result.
