  • 期刊


Photovoltaic Polysilicon Manufacturing


近幾年,太陽能電池的市場需求急速升溫,使其成為目前產業的當紅炸子雞。上游多晶矽材料過去曾面臨嚴重短缺問題,目前國內太陽能電池的原料多晶矽仍以進口為主。太陽光電產業鏈中,最上游的多晶矽生產,是一典型的化工製程。國內為整合太陽光電的上、中、下游,目前有許多廠商都積極探討進入上游多晶矽材料生產的可行性,台灣中油公司也進行相關的評估。 TCS西門子(Siemens)製程及Silane Union Carbide 製程是生產太陽光電多晶矽材料(Polysilicon)的兩大製程,目前絕大多數的多晶矽材料生產線都是使用此兩種製程,其中為又以西門子製程最常被使用,此報告探討兩大製程的特點及經濟效益分析,前三大太陽光電多晶矽材料生產廠家都是使用西門子製程,西門子製程主要包括三個部份: 1.冶金級的矽和SiCl4 或HCl 於流體化床中反應。 3 SiCl4 + 2H2 + MGSi → 4SiHCl3 Si + 3HCl → SiHCl3 + H2 2.蒸餾以純化SiHCl3。 3.加氫還原成高純度矽及利用CVD 法沉積。 SiHCl3 H2 Si 3HCl + → + 此報告另討論使用較環保的新製程的可能性,如未商業化Ethanol(乙醇法)無需使用HCl於製程、此製程已於小型試驗工廠的設計的階段。Ethanol(乙醇法)為美國科羅拉多國家再生能源研究實驗室所發展,於1999 年取得美國專利,因此法(Chlorine Free Technology, CFT)不用HCl 故較無污染的考量及電力的消耗也不如TCS 西門子(Siemens)製程高,故受到廣泛注意。


In recent years, the solar cell market demand soars rapidly. But domestic factories have been faced the serious shortage of upstream polysilicon and most of the polysilicons were imported. Polysilicon manufacturing is the chemical engineering expertise. In order to integrate the solar industry in the domestic area, CPC Corporation studies the feasibility to become a polysilicon producer of solar industry. TCS Siemens and Silane processes are the primary technologies for producing solar grade silicon. Most of the commercial plants utilize one of those two processes. TCS Siemens process is dominated. This paper focuses on the comparison the features of two processes and economical analysis. Furthermore, the new environmentally friendly process is also introduced. For example, the ethanol method is an HCl free process. This HCl free process is in the early stage of pilot plant testing.
