  • 期刊


Recent Development in Carbon-based Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Battery


由於全球能源的需求,發展鋰離子電池應用於手機、筆記型電腦、電動車,已經引起廣大的注意。直到現在,石墨是鋰離子電池中最廣泛使用的負極材料,因為它擁有高的庫倫效率與較低價格。然而,石墨所攜帶的克電容量低(372 mAh/g),導致它在電動車的應用上受到限制,其中在給車用的鋰電池負極材料,必須滿足幾項條件如高能量密度、高功率、快速的充放電性能、及較長的使用壽命。為了克服與解決這些問題,最近的發展主要藉由氧化反應所產生的不同缺陷與縮小材料尺度到達奈米尺度,而得以實現石墨結構的修飾與改變,進而符合車用鋰電池需求。在本文中,許多的研究結果顯示電池性能的提升主要決定於不同型態碳材的合成與特性改善,這些性質的建立來自於新穎的製備概念。因此,從材料特性與性能關係的連結,提出的理想電極結構與適當的熱處理溫度,將使得碳系電極成為負極材料最有前途的材料之一。


Due to the global energy demand, there is huge need to develop lithium ion batteries (LIBs) for applications in cellular phones, laptop computers, and electric vehicles (EVs). To this day, graphite is widely used as the anode material for lithium batteries, because of its high coulombic efficiency and lower cost. However, its low specific capacity of 372 mAh/g leads to a limited application for EVs, which may reach several requirements such as high energy density, high power, high-rate performance, and longer cycle life. To solve these issues, the modification and structure change of graphite have been achieved recently by introducing various defects via oxidization and reducing the size of materials to nanometer scale. In this article, numerous studies have shown that the significant enhancement in battery performance is found to depend on the synthesis and characterization of various morphological carbons, prepared by a novel concept. Accordingly, from the relationship between material property and performance, an ideal electrode structure and suitable heat treatment temperature are offered to make carbon-based electrodes a promising candidate of anode materials.


