  • 期刊


Toll Pipelines Underground Pollution Remediation-The Case of 274.5K Along the #1 Zhongshan Highway


國道274.5K地下污染整治案例發生於民國88年4月,因遭人為破壞管線盜取油料,造成漏油而污染土壤及地下水的環保事件,雖然事發當時「土壤及地下水污染整治法」尚未頒布,仍努力將本事件對環境的衝擊降至最低。初期先將兩處被盜油點進行修復工作,以阻絕洩漏源,在被盜油點附近開挖之區域,進行浮油回收工作,將污染物盡可能回收,減少污染擴散之可能。再委由工研院進行污染調查計畫,進行土壤取樣、土壤氣體調查、10口地下水監測井設置及採樣工作,以確認污染範圍與污染情況。於民國88年6月建立高速公路旁之浮油回收系統,於89年1月完成浮油回收工作,共計回收浮油約74,000公升。接著使用高真空度之SVE(Soil Vapor Extraction)系統處理土壤油氣,Air-sparging系統處理地下水,直至90年11月,總計抽出之土壤油氣換算成油品約80,159公升。於90年12月提出污染整治期中報告,整體的整治工作持續進行至91年2月。環保局於91年1月委由國立高雄大學進行整治監督計畫,經過6季的土壤、地下水、土壤氣體、周界空氣品質的調查分析,數據均已遠低於國家管制標準。依照監督計畫之結論與建議,向嘉義縣環保局申請整治工作完成,於93年5月場址解除管制。


土壤 地下水 整治


The gasoline pipeline located at 274.5K along the #1 Zhongshan highway leaked and contaminated the soil and groundwater, due to the oil stealing in Apr. 1999. Although the soil and groundwater remediation law was not enacted, CPC made efforts to remediate this site.In order to confirm the scope of pollution, the survey plan was carried out by Industrial Technology Research Institute, including the sampling and analysis of soil and groundwater.In the beginning, the pipe was repaired and the excavation was made to recover the free oil properly. The recovered oil was estimated about 74,000 Liters from Apr. 1999 to Jan. 2000. The technologies of both the soil vapor extraction for soil gas treatment and the air-sparging for groundwater treatment were followed continuously from Feb. 2000 to Feb. 2002. The extracted oil vapor was estimated equivalent to 80, 159 Liters.In the final stage, the remediation monitoring Plan was implemented by National Kaohsiung University from Jan. 2002 to July 2003. Regarding to the soil, groundwater, soil gas and boundary air quality, the monitoring results were shown far below the levels of regulation. Therefore, the site closure was made by Chia-Yi County Environmental Protection Bureau in May 2004.


Soil Groundwater Remediation


