  • 期刊


Study on Biomass Pyrolysis Process by Bubbling Fluidized Bed


生質物不同特性可應用於氣化、燃燒、裂解並產生相關化學品,裂解後之生質燃料油(裂解油)可應用於加熱、發電、運輸燃料、化學品,適合小量生產且易於生質物保存與輸送,且可有效提高能源密度並降低污染物排放。本所於103 年底引起工研院生質熱裂解系統,經多次測試後已可穩定產油,經分析後油品之灰分為0.01-0.03%、產率為66-69%、熱值為16.27-17.32MJ/kg、黏度為5.99-6.68cP、密度為1.13-1.16 (g/ml),並將自產之生質裂解油與生質裂解油規範(ASTM D7544-12)及傳統燃油比較幾項重要之特性差異,中油自產之裂解油熱值、灰分與密度均符合規範。未來本研究會將重點放在裂解油之酚化物萃取,並開發相關產品以提高本製程之經濟性。


生質物 熱裂解 燃料油


Via a bubbling fluidized bed, biomass of different characteristics undergoes gasification, combustion and pyrolysis to make biochemical products. A bio-oil (pyrolysis oil) can be used for heating, electricity, transport fuel and making chemicals. The bio-oil is easy to transport and storage. Also it can increase the energy density and lower reduce the pollutant emission. Our group use the biomass pyrolysis process to produce bio-oil. The ash content of the bio-oil is 0.01-0.03%, with the yield of 66-69%. GHV is 16.27-17.32MJ/kg with the density of 1.13-1.16 g/ml and the viscosity is 5.99-6.68cP. Our bio-oil meets the GHV, Ash, Density criteria of the Standard Specification for Pyrolysis Liquid Biofuel (ASTM D7544-12). In the future, we will focus on extracting the phenolic from bio-oil, and will develop new products from these extracts to increase the profit of the biomass pyrolysis process.


Biomass Pyrolysis Fuel oil
