  • 期刊


The Study of Inherently Safer Design Strategy on Hazard Prevention for Dust Explosions


粉塵於工業環境中潛藏著高度的風險,而本質較安全設計策略(InherentlySafer Design Strategy)為風險控制的手段之一,其目的在於改善本質上的缺陷,直接去除程序中的危害及可能引發的危險。本文分析粉塵爆炸及其影響的因素、發生的可能性與強度特徵設計指標:立方根定律(Cubic Law)、氣孔比、壓力堆積 (Pressure Piling) 危害乘冪。藉由本質較安全設計之理念,運用強化/最小化、取代、減弱、限制影響等,來消除及控制粉塵潛在的危害因子及推展粉塵爆炸危害預防措施,有惰化設計、可燃物濃度控制、粉塵作業場所遠離可能產生火源或靜電的場所、改善製程減少粉塵飛揚、設置洩爆孔、壓力洩放破裂板、爆炸抑制裝置、緊急遮斷、防爆阻燃器、阻隔體。利用本質較安全設計策略模式,有效免除人員財物的傷害。此策略模式可運用在各種製程的防護,本質安全避免危害發生。


Dust is a hidden high-risk in industrial environments. Inherently Safer Designs Strategy is one of means to control the risk. Its main purpose is to remove the defects in essence, including getting rid of the danger caused in the processing and afterwards, in order to improve the safety. This study analyses the factors influencing the dust explosions, design indicators in the possibility of happening and intensity characteristics: Cubic Law, the air vent ratio, Pressure Piling endanger. Inherently Safer Designs Strategy is applied to utilize intensification/minimization, substitution, attenuation, limitation of effects, etc. to dispel and control the potential danger factors of dust explosions and precautionary measures. Inherently Safer Designs Strategy makes it possible to keep people and properties away from harms induced by dust. Also this strategy can be applied in other processes to prevent the essential dangers for the better protection.
