  • 期刊

Inconel 601材料液態金屬脆化案例分析

Case Study of Liquid Metal Embrittlement on Inconel 601 Staples of furnace Firebricks


鎳基合金Inconel 601應用於乙烯裂解爐爐壁翻新之耐火磚鈎釘材,新爐壁完工後操作1年多即發生Inconel 601鈎釘斷裂、爐壁耐火磚牆傾斜等問題。本研究藉由材質成分分析、鈎釘斷裂面特徵與電子顯微鏡之微區觀察及元素分析,並搭配鈎釘剖面金相組織之確認,綜合分析結果研判,本案鈎釘斷裂為高溫滲鋁所引發之Liquid Metal Embrittlement (LME)機制所致,其導因於耐火磚間縫隙過大,使得高溫燃燒氣得以竄入縫隙,熔化包覆隔熱板之鋁箔帶,使得接觸到的鈎釘材料脆化斷裂。


A renovation of furnace shell refractories was carried out and Inconel 601 was selected as the staples material of furnace firebricks. After one more year operation, it was found the brick walls had noticeable slants and some Inconel 601 staples were broken. A failure analysis was conducted on the broken staples using optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) as well as energy dispersive X-Ray spectroscopy (EDS). Analytic results showed that the failure of broken staples were contributed to the liquid metal embrittlement caused by the installed aluminum foils which became melted and penetrated into the staples under unexpected high temperature environment , then lead to the embrittlement of Inconel 601 staples.
