  • 期刊


Bio-based Hierarchical Carbon Synthesis Process and Application


生質能為重要再生能源,透過快速裂解技術可將廢棄生物質轉換成生質裂解油,可有效提高生質物能源密度約4倍並降低污染物排放。台灣中油公司除發展生質熱裂解技術外並開發相關衍生應用,生質裂解油做為燃料附加價值不高,但透過本研究之成果轉換為多重孔洞碳材(hierarchical carbon)可大幅提高其應用價值。生質裂解油透過模版法可製作可調控之高比表面積之多重孔洞碳材(800~1300m^2/g)、中孔比例可達50%以上,目前碳材批次產量已可達1kg,未來將逐步放大至10kg。本研究已將多重孔洞碳材應用於超級電容,以1M LiClO_4/PC為電解質在10mV/s之掃描速率進行CV測試,比電容量可達120F/g並具高電容保留率(>60%)。除開發碳材製程之外,本研究亦同步開發水性漿料碳材塗佈技術(塗重2mg/cm^2),已可製作0.25F超級電容並將逐步放大。


生質物 多重孔洞 碳材


Bioenegy application is a crucial carbon reduction technology and will replace fossil fuel in the future. There are many way to use biomass such as torrefaction, pyrolysis and gasification. Biomass pyrolysis is a process that transforms solid fuel into liquid fuel and provides four-times energy density and lower pollutant emission. CPC, Taiwan developed a biomass pyrolysis process with its applications on phenolic resin and supercapacitor. Hierarchical carbon with high surface area (800~1300m2/g) and wider pore size distribution was synthesis by templated method that uses biomass pyrolysis oil and metal oxide. The hierarchical carbon production is a batch process and the capacity per batch is 1kg and will be scaled up to 10kg. The capacitance of supercapacitor fabricated by employing the hierarchical carbon in 1M LiClO4/PC is 120F/g at a scan rate of 10mV/s with a high retention ratio of >60%. A water-based hierarchical carbon slurry was coated on Al foil to prepare electrode (2mg/cm^2) of supercapacitor, and the capacitance of the device is 0.25F.


Biomass Hierarchical Porous Carbon Materials
