  • 期刊


Occupational Analysis of Present Status Surveying and Mapping Manpower Manpower in Taiwan Area


地圖爲國家建設不可或缺的基本資料;而從事地圖製作生產的測量製圖(簡稱測繪)人員,就扮演著極爲重要的角色。由於其工作不僅專業,且耗時費力,故必須有大量的人力投入生產,因此測量製圖人力在國家就業(勞動力)市場中就占有重要的份量。 就社會整體環境而言,學術理論爲就業市場發展的基礎,而市場層面之寬窄與人力多寡,即爲學術榮枯之反映,二者實爲一體兩面。在今日,由於資訊科技的快速發展,已給測量製圖帶來重大之衝擊,在學術界之調適過程中,勢必左右市場發展,而其影響程度之範圍大小,端視就業結構之特性而定,因此測繪就業人力之調查,即爲一項重要的工作。 本文即以行政院主計處公布之「中華民國人力資源統計月報」爲依據,探討68-80年間測繪就業人力之數量、性別、季節變化與教育程度等項,並與其他行業加以比較,以了解本行業之變化趨勢,提供未來學術與就業環境規劃之參考。由於統計資料並未完全配合測繪學理特性,因此分析結果僅可表現其概況,而其特徵包括:測繪爲一穩定持續發展之職業,女性所占之比例極低,而結構之發展則已趨向自由市場之階段;未來在就業範圍擴大與結構調整之情形下,端賴學界與學會之共同努力規劃,以期釐定「測繪」完整定義,提供調查統計之基礎。


Maps are indispensable for the development of nations, and the surveyors and map-makers played the most important role. It needs vast quantity of manpower to get involves in the production of maps, for its more special and time-consuming works. So, the occupation of surveying and mapping is important among the national labor market. Based on the view-point of social environment, academic theory is the base of related occupation, and the breadth of occupation is the sign of academic prosperity, they are closely related. Nowadays, due to the impact that computer science bringing to the surveying and mapping discipline, it has also influenced the progress of this occupation, according to its occupational structure. Thus, the survey of occupational manpower of surveying and mapping is necessary. The estimation of quantity, sexual difference, monthly variation, and education level of surveying and mapping occupation between 1979 to 1991 is based on the statistics of ”Monthly bulletin of manpower statistics, Taiwan area, R.O.C.” that edited by Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan, R.O.C.. Besides, comparing with other occupations so comprehend the trend of development of this occupation. It is just the outline of this occupation due to the irrelevant classification correlated with surveying and mapping discipline. We get the following results from statistical analysis: the surveying and mapping is an increasingly promotive occupation in the labor market; female is the minority that doesn't exceed 16% of male labor, and possesses higher variation rate of monthly employment; paid employees by private firms are much higher than government shown the progress of free-market competence. The occupation needs expanding and restructuring of its employment via the redifining of surveying and mapping occupation by the academies and associations, so as to provide the relevant statistics in the future.


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