  • 期刊


Application of Geograpic Information Digital Archives in Senior High School Geography Course


顧及21世紀的國際競爭、環境壓力與社會型態,2006年開始實施的高中地理課程暫行綱要,強調培養學生的具體能力,包括:『以各種不同的方法整理、組織、分析、解釋、評估各項地理資料;能彙整各種地理資料撰寫報告,驗證或回答所提出的地理問題。』爲了落實這些目標,高中老師們在教學巾應盡量展現收集、組織、分析資料的能力,並利用資訊工具來發展教學寶際範例,提供學生觀摩及參與實做的機會,培養相關的資訊技能與正向肯定的態度。 國科會所推動的數位典藏計畫,是以國家的力量來進行重要文物資料的數化建檔與保仔,並希望透過資訊網路來提供分享流傳的管道。在國內外的數位典藏計畫中,地圖、航空照片等地理資訊都是重要的典藏項目,本文介紹臺灣數位典藏的地理資訊成果及其應用,並配合高中地理課程綱要的主題,研擬教學應用範例,提供老師們參考。文末並針對數位典藏在教學應用的瓶頸,進行檢討與建議。希望透過本文將數位典藏成果介紹給高中地理老師,以促進教學應用。另外也將老師們所可能面臨的困難,反映給數位典藏計畫推動單位,希望藉此縮小資料供應者和使用者之問的落差,增進數位典藏素材的流傳,提升高中地理教學的品質。


In the realm of geography education, Taiwan has been implementing the temporary standard of the High School Geography Curriculum since 2006, which places emphasis on cultivating high school students' ability to apply geographic information, a critical skill required for the younger generation to confront competitions and challenges from our modern society and from the world in the 21st century. This High School Geography Curriculum cultivates students the ability to employ diverse methods to collect, organize, analyze. interpret. and assess all kinds of geographic information. Students are expected to present their results in reports, clarifying how they test and answer geographic questions. To realize these objectives, teachers have to demonstrate students busy to collect, organize, and analyze data. Teachers also need to utilize informational tools to develop teaching examples, thus offer students the opportunities to observe and participate in the application of geographic data. The crux of this paper lies in introducing and analyzing the utility of the Digital Archives created by the National Science Council (NSC) to high school geography education. The NSC's Digital Archives Program stores and preserves vital cultural data of Taiwan. as well as uses information networks to establish sharing channels. Maps and aerial photos, for instance are important collections in digital archives both in Taiwan and internationally. We begin by introducing geographic data and its applications in the Digital Archives project. We also develop teaching examples for geography teachers to apply such data in class. Lastly, we identify obstacles of using the Digital Archives in teaching application, and propose suggestions to tackle the challenges. Ultimately, we seek to promote the wider usage of the Digital Archives by informing teachers how to apply it and by informing the government on how to make the data more accessible to teaching applications. It is expected that our efforts will shorten the gap between information suppliers and users, as well as improve the quality of high school geography education.




王姿丰(2009)。95 高中地理課綱地理資訊系統融入教學之研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2009.01516
