  • 期刊


Seismic Hazard Analysis Assisted by a Geographic Infomation System


地理資訊系統(GIS)提供圖形與資料庫結合的操作界面以及強大的空間資料處理功能,可以有效地處理地震危害度分析所需之震源分區及地震參數推求等複雜的工作。本研究除了在Maplnfo地理資訊系統中建置臺灣地區地震危害度分析所須之資料與圖層及在系統中嵌入自行開發的相關分析模組外,並以實例說明分析過程,藉以闡明GIS應用的必要性及其使用上的方便性。圖形界面的地理資訊系統可以方便地震資料的展示、查詢及篩選,使分析者在工作的過程中能較容易地掌握地震資料。同時,透過相關圖層的套疊分析,可以協助震源區的劃分,並方便直接在視窗上編修震源區的邊界。震源區劃分完成後,透過空間資料查詢功能,可直接篩選出各震源區地震資料。自行開發的分析模組則用來求取震源參數及進行地震加速度年超越機率的計算。地理資訊系統輔助地震危害分析確實可以增進震源區劃分的合理性及改進資料處理上的效率,值得推薦應用。將來應可進一步與地震風險度分析(seismic risk analysis)及地震防災結合,使其應用上更為方便。


With the assistance of graphical interface and database manage function, GIS(Geographic Information System) do improve the efficiency of seismic hazard analysis, such as rearranging the seismogenic zones and estimating the seismic parameters. In this study, we build seismicity and relevant data of Taiwan in Maplnfo, and also develop some modules for seismic hazard analysis. We could know it is very necessary and convenient to use GIS by some real case studies.Using GIS is very beneficial for displaying, querying or sorting earthquake data, and easier for the user to get the information he wants. In the same time, to overlap some relevant coverages assists us delineating and modifying the geometry of the seismogenic zones. The user could use the spatial data query functions of Maplnfo to sort the earthquake data directly in each seismogenic zone, and then use the modules we develop to estimate the seismic parameters and to calculate the annual exceedance probability.Using GIS to assist seismic hazard analysis could improve the rationality of rearranging the seismogenic zones and increase the data processing efficiency admittedly. In the future, It may be applied to seismic hazard mitigation program and structural resistant design fruitfully.


GIS Seismic hazard analysis


