  • 期刊


Automatic Search of Failure Surface in Asymmetrical 3-D Slopes


邊坡穩定分析在近50年來雖經過多數學者之斷努力,建立了不少分析方法與電腦分析程式。但是這些方法皆侷限於二度空間(2-D)或對稱之三度空間(Symmetrical 3-D)穩定分析,對於自然或人工之邊坡中常見之不均質及不對稱之3-D破壞無法提供直接而完整之分析。這對於解釋既有之邊坡破壞並預測可能之破壞而言,構成一大障礙。有鑑於此,本研究對於Janbu法進行3-D一般化之力與力矩平衡式之擴充,使適用於任意方向之不對稱形狀破壞面。從比較驗証中得知,本研究發展之RSLOPE-3D程式產生合理的分析結果。同時,在複雜之地形中,亦能發揮其自動化之特色,對於將來在大面積山坡地潛在危險邊坡之自動化搜尋上,具有實用上之價值。


Janbu's methods were extended into 3-D system for analyzing the stability of natural slopes under asymmetric geological and geometrical conditions. A comparative study was also conducted to verify the 3-D limit equilibrium formulations derived from the present study. It was found that this method rendered accurate results for both 2-D and 3-D slopes. The new method, proposed in the present study, features the equilibrium considerations of two-directional force and moment equilibriums. Therefore, this method may be considered as an instance of Janbu's generalised slice method. It was also demonstrated that the new method eliminated impractical assumptions, and time-consuming pre-processing, in analyzing potential sliding in the slope area.
