  • 期刊


Large Penetration Test of Gravelly Ground Sounding


卵礫地層一般認定為堅實地層,地質鑽探常用之標準貫入試驗(SPT)與圓錐貫入試驗(CPT)不易在此類地層發揮,因此較少進行強度評估。然而集集地震造成台灣中部卵礫地層液化案例,加上台灣中部地區卵礫地層遍佈,於液化評估面及工程需求面,皆有必要發展可適切表現該類地層特性之現地試驗法。本文提出大型貫入試驗(Large Penetration Test, LPT),於台中縣大里溪左岸福田橋西側高灘地進行國內首次試驗。文中參考北美地區貝克貫入試驗(Becker Penetration Test, BPT)相關研究做為試驗規畫依據,詳述器材設計、施作細節與試驗結果計算流程,並提出改進與發展建議,做為後續評估卵礫地層強度之本土經驗。


It is a thought that gravelly ground is so hard that commonly seen sounding methods, such as SPT and CPT, are not applicable. As a consequence, evaluation of such ground condition is very rare in real practices. In Taiwan, gravelly ground covers most central area, and liquefaction occurred in the Ji-Ji earthquake reveals that gravelly ground is liquefiable once subjected to strong seismic motion. A suitable sounding method for the relevant evaluation of liquefaction potential is thus desired. This paper describes a Large Penetration Test (LPT), which was proposed and adopted in an in situ test project performed at a site by Darli river side near Futen bridge. Becker Penetration Test (BPT) is described herein as a comparison for the development of devices and the associated technical details. Testing results are shown and discussions with recommendations are stated for further development and improvement of LPT in local practices.

