  • 期刊

A New Approach to Enigmas from Medieval Hakata: Trade Ceramics as Seen from Archaeological Data





During the Middle Ages, Hakata was the main Japanese gateway for Asian continental culture. A port town successively settled on three dunes, medieval Hakata has been studied for some twenty years through more than 100 excavations. In this article, the author points out how new discoveries from archaeological finds extending northwards towards the bay oblige specialists to reevaluate the general picture of trade ceramics in medieval Hakata. Most notably, the previous opinion that the Hakata site produced few finds of imported ceramics after the 14th century, is compelled to be amended.The mid-14th century was without doubt an important period for trade ceramics in Hakata. Continuity in urban activity, as well as major influence from local warfare, are illustrated by a considerable number of finds that almost exclusively feature local wares in the category of cooking and storing utensils. Although the amount of Asian continental pieces discovered decreases during this period, Chinese white wares and celadon bowls and dishes still appear in important numbers. Against this background of decreasing Chinese imports, we may readily understand the presence of an increase in Korean imports.In conclusion, the author discusses topics such as the origin of major Korean influence on the use and production of Japanese ceramics, in the light of material unearthed in medieval Hakata.


池崎?二(1984)。博多出土陶磁器?組成????=Hakatashutudo Tojikino Sosei Nitsuite=Assemblage of Ceramics from Hakata.。貿易陶磁研究。4,17-24。
Morita, Tsutomu(1985)。北部九州出土?古?陶磁器-編年試案=Hokubukyushu Shutudono Korai Tojiki----Hennen Sian---=Koryo Ceramics Unearthed in Northern Kyushu - Provisional Chronology。貿易陶磁研究。5,19-27。
