  • 期刊

Preliminary Study of Vietnamese Decorated Tiles Found in Java, Indonesia (1)



印尼爪哇島上的越南裝飾瓷磚,至今只有在多烏蘭(Trowulan)考古遺址、淡目(Demak)的大清真寺等地發現。這些瓷磚以越南陶瓷,例如青花、釉下鐵繪、多色瓷等等的生產技術製成。然而,它們在樣式上與越南或中國的傳統磚瓦有所不同。而多種類的紋飾,例如雙十字型紋飾、橢圓型開光、四葉紋、鳶尾花紋等,顯示了爪哇發現的越南裝飾瓷磚在形式與母題上與伊斯蘭裝飾瓷的關係。有很長的一段時間,在爪哇發現的越南裝飾瓷磚研究中,有關多烏蘭的資料只能藉由古董市場得知。2007年,Marie-France Duppizat和繭山康彥所發表的陶瓷破片報告使得實際的發掘狀況趨於明朗。不過,儘管John Guy在1989年以傳世資料出版了越南瓷磚的研究,而繭山康彥也在1977年發表了淡目大清真寺的研究結果,新的Duppizat/Naniek研究仍然因其實地考古發掘而深具意義。我研究的第一步是要解決越南瓷磚的發源與多烏蘭遺址的功能。在這篇論文中,我嘗試結合多烏蘭的新發掘與過去的研究,提出分類的假說。並且研究伊斯蘭瓷磚在南、中、西亞建築中,相似的樣式及母題。當然,這樣的研究需要更多對於爪哇及爪哇伊斯蘭建築的田野調查,我認為許多越南瓷磚樣式的發源與在印度河中流地區木爾坦(Multan)與烏齊(Uch)等地發現的14至15世紀磚瓦製品有關。而這些磚瓦製品則與中亞的帖木兒王朝建築文化有關。在下一步的研究中,我將探討越南瓷磚在爪哇的實際發掘情況,以及考慮西伊斯蘭世界的建築。


To date, Vietnamese decorated tiles have been found overseas only on the island of Java, in Indonesia, at sites such as the Trowulan archaeological site and the Great Mosque of Demak. These tiles were made using the blue and white technique of Vietnamese ceramic manufacturing under glazed iron and polychrome, but their forms are quite different from those commonly found in the Vietnamese and Chinese traditions of flooring tiles. The variety of shapes, including stepped crosses, cartouche-efforts, quatrefoils, and hexagonal styles, suggests a relationship with designs commonly used for Islamic decorated tiles.For a long time, tiles from Trowulan were only known through the antique market trade. However, in 2007 reliable information on recoveries made at the site finally became available, following the publication of a report on ceramic shard artifacts by Marie-France Duppizat and Naniek Harkantiningsih. In 1989 John Guy published an important study of Vietnamese tiles based on antique data, and Mayuyama Yasuhiko 繭山康彥documented his findings from research at the Great Mosque of Demak in 1977; however, I consider that a study of Duppizat / Naniek is a worthwhile project, since real archaeological data is now available on objects found at this site.As the first step in my exploration of the origins and function of the Vietnamese tiles found at Trowulan I attempt, in this paper, to establish a preliminary classification by combining detailed examination of recent recoveries with existing studies of a broader scope. Following this, I undertake a search for similar forms and motifs in Islamic tiles found in South, Central and West Asian architecture.Although more extensive field research in Java and other Islamic architectural sites is still required, I believe it can be concluded that the origin of the shapes of these Vietnamese tiles is connected with the tile culture found in the 14th and 15th centuries in the area midstream of the Indus River, at places such as at Multan and Uch. Those tile cultures are, in turn, related to the Timurid architectural culture in Central Asia.For the next step, I hope to investigate the tangible recoveries of Vietnamese tiles in Java and the relevant architectural sites in the western Islamic world.


Vietnamese tiles Trowulan Demak Islamic tiles


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