  • 期刊

Decoding the Silent Comments: A New Study of Thirteen Emperors





帝王圖 唐朝 繪畫 宗教


Thirteen Emperors, attributed to Yan Liben, is a rare early Chinese painting that includes “portraits” of thirteen pre-Tang rulers. Important as it is, many questions remain unanswered. The one that puzzles modern scholars the most is the logic by which the artist selected and then grouped the included rulers. Scholars have not been able to understand why the artist painted wise and capable rulers side by side, and whether there were specific reasons for the various portrayals of them. Based on a careful examination of Thirteen Emperors and extensive study of related textual records, this article offers a new perspective to understand this famous painting. It is suggested that although the kings were all portrayed with certain physical idealizations, the artist provided clues to his comments and judgment of them as rulers through various visual details, such as the kings and their followers’ attire and posture, the interaction among the figures, and their facial expressions and activities. A careful study of these details and the accompanying inscriptions suggests a close correlation between the way these kings were portrayed, their attitude toward religions, and their political performance. It is argued that Thirteen Emperors is encoded with specific political comments and criticism, especially regarding a ruler’s addiction to religious.


Thirteen Emperors Tang dynasty Painting Religion


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Daoxuan 釋道宣 Xu gaoseng zhuan 續高僧傳, in Dazheng zang
范曄(2009)。後漢書。Beijing:中華書局=Zhonghua Book Company。
(2002)。續修四庫全書。Shanghai:古籍出版社=Guji chubanshe。
