  • 期刊

從建築到建樹:瑞士神父建築師費宥諒(Karl Freuler)的在臺教堂設計

From aedes to aedificatio: The Swiss Priest-Architect Karl Freuler’s Churches in Taiwan




白冷會 費宥諒 教堂建築 臺灣 瑞士


After the Second World War, the Swiss Bethlehem Mission Society started new mission fields in Japan and Taiwan. Along with this development, hundreds of churches designed by Father Karl Freuler (1912-2000) were built in Japan, Taiwan, and Korea in 1950-1970. Being a Catholic priest-architect and living in Japan for 20 years, Freuler committed himself to the Asian mission through designing churches as bearers of religious education. The large numbers and various styles of the churches built have rendered Freuler’s works a unique accomplishment in the architectural history. This study investigates for the first time the forty churches in Taiwan designed by Freuler during 1950-1968 through analyzing their stylistic characteristics, design concepts, and historical context. In doing so, this study aims to reveal insights into how Freuler’s church buildings reflect the changes in Swiss modern church architecture, the integration of features in East Asian architectural tradition, the ideas of the liturgical movement, the strategy of Catholic mission work in Asia, and the approach of religious education and accommodation. The findings of this study provide new understandings about the impact of Freuler’s designs on the development of church architecture in East Asia and how these designs can be important evidence of the cultural and artistic correlation among Switzerland, Japan, and Taiwan.


Felder, Julius Ushibi Plan. Num. A 394. 03.﹝傅義,烏石鼻設計稿,卷宗編號A 394. 03﹞, Bethlehem Mission Immensee, Archiv﹝白冷會總部檔案室,瑞士茵夢湖﹞
Freuler, Karl Persoenliche Gedanken, anlässlich meines 80. Geburtstages am 5. Dezember 1992 und der Herausgabe des Buches über meine Tätigkeit als Architekt im Fernen Osten. [Beilage zur Monographie von 1992]. Num. A393. 06a﹝費宥諒自傳,卷宗編號 A 393. 06a﹞, Bethlehem Mission Immensee, Archiv﹝白冷會總部檔案室,瑞士茵夢湖﹞
Freuler, Karl Werklist. Num. A 393. 07. v. 6707.﹝費宥諒的作品清單,卷宗編號A393. 07. v. 6707﹞, Bethlehem Mission Immensee, Archiv﹝白冷會總部檔案室,瑞士茵夢湖﹞
