  • 期刊


A Comparison of Tagging Usages between Blogging and Social Bookmarking


標籤是Web 2.0的重要應用之一:不只網路資源的建立者可以利用標籤對擁有的資源進行分類及管理,其他使用者亦可透過社會性書籤網站的標籤功能來收藏與分享各種網路資源。為了探討網路資源建立者與社會性書籤使用者之間的標籤使用樣式差異,本研究嘗試以Web 2.0整合服務網站-funP為研究對象,蒐集2011年9月9日至2011 年10月20日共六週,在部落格文章與funP推推王書籤中均有標籤的部落格文章為研究樣本,比較它們之間的標籤使用樣式、以及進行部落格與書籤標記者的角色分析。分析結果發現,在標籤使用樣式方面,部落格作者使用的標籤數較少、較偏向分類使用,funP推推王書籤的標記者使用的標籤數較多、較偏向描述使用;在角色分析方面發現,同時為部落格作者與書籤標記者的角色可視為傳道者與領導者,並且於部落格文章與funP書籤的標籤相似度也為最高。


Tagging is one of the various important applications of Web 2.0. Creators of network resources can use tags to classify and manage their material and information. Meanwhile, network users can also apply tags to collect and share resources on websites with social bookmarking services. In this research, specifically targeted at the website funP that provides Web 2.0 integrated services, we intend to explore the differences in tagging usages between resource creators and social bookmarkers. Our research samples are composed of bookmarked blog posts with tags applied both to blog posts and to funP bookmarks, collected from September 9, 2011 to October 20, 2011. We compare the tagging usages between blogging and social bookmarking, and conduct role analysis of blog authors and funP bookmarkers. We find that blog authors tend to use less tags and play the role of categorizer, whereas funP bookmarkers tend to apply more tags and play the role of describer. Based on the analysis of roles, we also discover that people with double identities of being a funP bookmarker and a blog author at the same time can be analogically regarded as playing the role of evangelist and the role of leader. This group of network creators as well as users shows the greatest tagging similarities between their blogging and social bookmarking.


Blog Social bookmarking Tag Clustering analysis Role analysis


funP 官方網站 (2011)。上網日期:2011年 9月 1日,檢自:http://funp.com/
維基百科 (2012)。社會性書籤。上網日期:2012年 6月 1日,檢自:http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/社會性書籤
