  • 期刊


Factors Influencing Hospital and Health Care Students' working Willingness in Disease Coding




”Objectives: Medical research, reimbursement system and classification of DRGs depend on the accuracy and completeness of disease coding. A research showed that the error rate of overall disease coding was 52% in Taiwan,and for which qualification and manpower of coding person-nel are important factors. The purpose of this study was to assess college graduates' willingness to work as disease coding personnel and the influencing factors. The contents of the questionnaire included arrangement of curriculum, teaching methods and attitudes, learning atmosphere of classmates, self-sensed importance of curriculum, interests, and working willingness. Methods: Samples are collected by a stratified-cluster method. Eight hundred and twenty-one questionnaires were dis-tributed and 780 effective cases were returned. Results: The outcome of the instructor's influence and self-sensed importance of curriculum were positive; the attitude toward the arrangement of curriculum,interests and working willingness were negative. Characteristic factors which influ-ence on working willingness found that females, aged over 31, students in night schools contrib-ute to a higher working willingness. Factors which influence on working willingness are interest toward curriculum(major) and self-sensed importance of curriculum(minor). Conclusions and sug-gestions: Sex,age,academic program, interest to curriculum, and self-sensed importance of curric-ulum are the relative factors toward working willingness.We suggested to enhance English ability and professional medical knowledge for coding improvement. A quiz before the national exami-nation is important for increasing the confidence and motivation of the student. ”
